
Towards Autonomous Navigation for Agile Production System

Primary LanguageC++

Semantic Mapping and Autonomous Navigation for Agile Production System

Related Paper:

  • Benchun Zhou, Jan-Felix Klein, Bo Wang, and Markus Hillemann. Semantic Mapping and Autonomous Navigation for Agile Production System[C]//2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). IEEE, 2023. [Link] [PDF] [Slide] [Youtube] [Bilibili]

  • If you use the code in your academic work, please cite the above paper.


  • This autonomous navigation system comes from a research project "AgiProbot" (Agile PROduction system using mobile, learning roBOTs with multi-sensors for uncertain product specifications.).

  • This research project aims to develop a production system for remanufacturing, in which used products can be disassembled and recycled. 7 institutes participate, and we (IFL) develop an autonomous intralogistics system which realizes the material flow of the production system by means of driverless transport systems, smart transfer units and handling robots. To be specific, there are several workstations and transport robots, we are going to design an autonomous navigation system to delivery objects among these workstations.

  • [AgiProbot] [AgiProbot-IFL]

1. Prerequisites

  • Ubuntu (18.04.5)
  • CMake (3.10.2)
  • Eigen (3)
  • OpenCV (3.2.0)
  • PCL (1.8.1)

2. Running

There are two steps for the whole navigation system, semantic mapping and coase-to-fine navigation. So, the source code are divided into several parts.

2.1 Downloads and Dataset

Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/benchun123/object-based-navigation

Dataset: Download the AgiProbot Dataset or AgiProbot rosbag. More info for data process can be found here

2D mapping and localization: for 2D mapping, we use gmapping packages, for localization, we try to match the laser points to the map with scan tools

Capture framework: Microsoft RGB-D camera is mounted, the ROS driver can be found here. The azure_kinect_capture_framework provides a simple to capture a single image.

Calibration: Calibration between camera and laser scan is done by the open-source tool, calibration of RGB camera is done by ROS tool.

2.2 Semantic Mapping (C++)

The offline semantic mapping is first tested in C++, it can be built by:

cd object_segmentation_agiprobot
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4

and run it by

./object_seg_node ~/path/to/dataset

A hypermap can be visualized by

./show_hypermap_node ~/path/to/dataset

2.2 Semantic Mapping (ROS)

The offline semantic mapping is also transferred to ROS, it can be built by:

cd object_segmentation_ws
catkin_make object_segmentation
source devel/setup.bash

and run it by

roslaunch object_segmentation debug.launch

A hypermap can be visualized by

roslaunch object_segmentation show_hyper_map.launch

3. Coarse-to-fine Navigation

The coarse-to-fine navigation is implemented by ROS with actionlib, so, a custom message (karispro_msgs) is created and used. additionally, the 2D laser data is segmented into individual lines with open-source library.

The functions can be activated by

cd object_segmentation_ws
catkin_make laser_line_extraction
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch laser_line_extraction debug.launch

open another terminal and run:

cd object_segmentation_ws
catkin_make karispro_msgs
catkin_make agv_control
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch agv_control agv_control.launch

Then, an action server is initialized and can be navigated to "station_A" by:

cd object_segmentation_ws
source devel/setup.bash
rostopic pub /karisagiprobot/coarse_to_fine/result 'station_A'

4. Acknowledgement

Thanks for the great work: AgiProbot, KARIS PRO, SLAM-Gmapping, and Line Segmentation.

  • J.-F. Klein, M. Wurster, N. Stricker, G. Lanza, and K. Furmans, “Towards ontology-based autonomous intralogistics for agile remanufacturing production systems,” in 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA).IEEE, 2021, pp. 01–07.

  • G. Grisetti, C. Stachniss, and W. Burgard, “Improved techniques for grid mapping with rao-blackwellized particle filters,” IEEE transactions on Robotics, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 34–46, 2007

  • S. T. Pfister, S. I. Roumeliotis, and J. W. Burdick, "Weighted line fitting algorithms for mobile robot map building and efficient data representation" in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Taipei, Taiwan, 14-19 Sept., 2003.