
distributed nested performance contexts -- trying to understand performance across multiple workflow components

Primary LanguagePython

dnpc - Distributed Nested Performance Contexts

This is a research prototype to understand how monitoring data from different rich sources can be integrated to give a better understanding of how a workflow-like application is executing.

Target applications:

  1. lsst desc bps + parsl + Work Queue

To run the DESC specific processing code:

$ python -m dnpc.main
  1. funcX: submit side + funcX hosted logs + endpoint logs

The interesting thing here compared to (1) is that the visibility of these logs is different for different people: only an advanced investigator will have access to all three of the above sets of logs, with the usual situation being that funcX staff with only have access to the hosted logs and end users access only either to their own logs and perhaps also the endpoint logs - with no visibility inside the hosted services.

So the same runs can be presented as different views based on data access, and understanding how that changes understanding is something interesting, I think.

CSV import from cloudwatch: I matched these logs in cloudwatch and downloaded a CSV, for a time period covering the time I ran my test application.

fields @timestamp, @message
| sort @timestamp desc
| filter log_processed.log_type = "task_transition"
| limit 10000

so there will be lots of tasks in there, a subset of which are mine.