
Run your Python functions inside a remote pickle deserializer

Primary LanguagePython


Run function invocations remotely inside pickle deserialization

"It is possible to construct malicious pickle
 data which will execute arbitrary code during
     -- https://docs.python.org/3/library/pickle.html

... but they don't give you much help doing so... picklerun aims to solve this usability problem.


from picklerun import picklerun

def myfunc(x):
    print("I am executing inside the deserialiser!")
    return x+1

bytestream = myfunc(3)

import pickle

# outputs: "I am executing inside the deserialiser!" at this line
assert pickle.loads(bytestream) == 3+1


You'll need pip install dill on the creation side, but not on the deserialisation side.


kwargs aren't implemented. I don't think would be hard, though.

This gets source using dill.source. That has this problems:

  • it is awkward to remove the decorator from the source code. Right now a literal @picklerun is removed if present, but using any other naming won't work - such as @picklerun.picklerun or:
    from picklerun import picklerun as p
    def myfunc():


Never a dill moment: Exploiting machine learning pickle files