
Breaking recursion in Python and fixing it back up again

Primary LanguagePython

Breaking recursion in Python and fix-ing it back up again

Theoreticians like to define simple programming languages, for example the lambda calculus, and in some parts of that theoretical world, you can't call a function if you haven't defined it yet. If I want to call f in another function g, I have to first define f() before defining g():

def f():
  return 3

def g():
  return f()+1

This breaks recursion: you can't call yourself, because you haven't finished defining yourself yet.

Luckily in most languages, that isn't a problem - theory be damned, this Python code runs just fine:

def fib(n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

for n in range(0,7):

I wondered about the specific additions Python makes to lambda calculus that make the above recursion work, and this repo is the result of those musings.

Recursion in Python

Why does the above work without fib being defined first?

Because Python doesn't need the definition of a function being called until you actually run the containing code and reach the call site. By the time fib can actually be executed and reach a (recursive) call to fib, it has already been fully defined. (that's why it can be called in the first place).

When function execution reaches a call to fib (or any other function) it looks up the name to find the function to execute. This can be made a bit more explicit in the above example by separating out the lookup of fib from the invokation of whatever comes out of that lookup:

def fib(n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    myself = globals()["fib"]
    return myself(n-1) + myself(n-2)

So, when fib runs, it doesn't call itself as such, but asks the global environment for the name of a function called fib and calls that. And in most cases, that really is itself, the right function, and everything works.

Breaking recursion

So how can we break this?

I'll start with a first quite contrived example: rename fib:

foo = fib

del fib

for n in range(0,7):

This will break after a few steps:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "a.py", line 18, in <module>
  File "a.py", line 7, in fib
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
NameError: global name 'fib' is not defined

Boom! This code prints the first two values correctly (because no recursion is needed) but as soon as the code tries to recurse, it explodes: even though the function is called foo now, it is still trying to call fib to recurse - it isn't calling itself, remember.

Recursive code, at least in this style, is reliant on an in-scope dictionary entry that aligns with the function definition: a recursive function isn't a free-standing object, in the way that a non-recursive function is.

Less Contrived Examples

Here are a couple of more practical cases where this dictionary tie causes problems: first writing recursive functions usign lambda expressions, and second serialising functions using dill (for example to send over a network for execution).

In the first example, I'm going to try defining fibonnacci as a lambda expression. I want to write some code like this:

  for n in range(0,7):
    print( (lambda n: _) (n) )

In that example, _ is some code that still needs writing. The base cases are easy:

lambda n: 1 if n == 0 or n == 1 else _

The recursive case _ remains to be defined. Here, the lambda needs to call itself. But how? There's no reference anywhere to itself. So it looks like recursive lambda expressions are impossible.

The next example is serialising functions using dill and then trying to deserialise and execute them elsewhere. This is something that happens a lot in one of my work projects (Parsl) which aims to help you run Python code distributed across many computers.

The first bit of code defines recursive fib as before and serialises it out to a file:

def fib(n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

from dill import dump

with open("fib.dill", "wb") as f:
  dump(fib, f)

The second bit of code loads that serialised function from a file, and tries to run it in a loop:

with open("fib.dill", "rb") as f:
  user_supplied_function = load(f)

for n in range(0,7):

It would be nice if this behaves like the first example, but with definition and execution separated by a serialisation/deserialisation. (In the Parsl case, more interesting things would happen to the serialised form first: it could be moved and copied to many different machines, for example)

Like the del example above, this works for the first two non-recursive results, but fails as soon as recursion happens:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d2.py", line 17, in <module>
  File "d1.py", line 5, in fib
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
NameError: name 'fib' is not defined

The function is trying to recurse using the name fib still, even though that name isn't defined anywhere on the execution side - on the execution side, it happens to be called user_supplied_function.

Fixing this

The above examples are intended to show the core of the problem: a function needs a reference to itself in order to recurse, and getting that reference from the environment is not always possible.

What other ways could a function get a reference to itself? One clunky way is if the function takes itself as an argument, like this:

def fib(myself, n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    return myself(myself, n-1) + myself(myself, n-2)

for n in range(0,7):
  print(fib(fib, n))

That changes the calling convention into something weird looking, and different from what a normal Python function invocation looks like - but at least fib doesn't make use of any global binding.

This new calling convention makes the dill example work.

It also makes the lambda almost possible. The expression needs binding to a name somewhere, in order to be passed into itself, but the name doesn't matter - it becomes an entirely local issue, different inside the lambda expression (myself) from outside (f):

for n in range(0,7):
  f = lambda myself, n: 1 if n==0 or n==1 else myself(myself, n-1) + myself(myself, n-2)
  print(f(f, n))


There's a way to abstract away that calling convention using decorators.

Decorators are Python syntax that lets you pass a function definition through some of your own code before it is bound to the global name of the function.

For example, this:

def fib(myself, n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    return myself(n-1) + myself(n-2)

which means something similar to (but not quite) this non-decorator code:

def _fib(myself, n):
  if n == 0 or n == 1:
    return 1
    return myself(n-1) + myself(n-2)

fib = fix(_fib)

fix is a function which itself takes a function, and returns a replacement for that function.

I'm going to make fix wire stuff up so that you can invoke fib without that special calling convention, like at the start of this document, but make it so fib receives a reference to itself in the myself parameter as if we are using that special calling convention.

Defining fix

Here is a definition of fix that works:

def fix(base):

  def base_fix(self):

    def tied_fn(*args):
      rec = self(self)
      return base(rec, *args)

    return tied_fn

  return base_fix(base_fix)

It turns out to be a lot of wiring of names and values around without much else seemingly happening. Perhaps that should be unsurprising: The core of the recursion problem above is about getting the function definition wired through to the right place.

The supplied base function, eg fib in the concrete example, is replaced by tied_fn which calls the base function with an extra argument on the front, to fit the special calling convention.

That extra argument on the front is almost but not quite the function itself: instead it's the result of performing this knot tying one more time, so that every time it is invoked, it always adds on the appropriate extra parameter.

Using this, it's possible to even combine both of the examples above and make a recursive lambda fibonacci that can be serialised between processes.

The definition:

fiblambda = fix(lambda self, n: 1 if n == 0 or n == 1 else self(n-1) + self(n-2))
from dill import dump
with open("fiblambda.dill", "wb") as f:
  dump(fiblambda, f)

... and the execution:

with open("fiblambda.dill", "rb") as f:
  user_supplied_function = load(f)

for n in range(0,7):

So in summary: regular Python recursion only works if your functions have well defined names. This is how things work in most programming, but I gave a couple of examples (lambda and dill) where that isn't true. Then some programming language theory magic (expressed as a decorator) lets you make recursive functions that don't need to know their own name.

Another place in Python where some of this distinction between name and content in recursion comes into play is with recursive module import: you can make recursive module imports using import x and later referencing x.y but you can't using from x import y. The different between these imports is that in the first example, y isn't looked up until it is used, much later on when the recursive import is finished. Using from syntax, x needs to be completely imported before the statement can continue, which breaks recursion.

That fix decorator is something like the Z combinator but I've avoided mention of this until the end, because I wanted all my examples to be grounded in Python code.