
Strava command line utility to output Strava data in various formats

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Strava KML File Generator


A command line application bin/strava to generate KML files suitable for import into Google Earth. Strava authorization will open a browser page. Uses Strava V3 APIs. Can output two types of information:

  • Your activities, color coded by activity type, and optionally including a description and starred segment times
  • Your efforts for segments that you have starred in Strava, optionally including a description that lists all your times
    • Currently this feature is broken


This application is written for nodejs in typescript for node, requiring that you install nodejs, npm, this application and it's dependent libraries on your computer.

cd strava
npm install
  • Create the folder $HOME/.strava (used to store credentials)
  • Optionally create a $HOME/.strava/user.settings.json config file as show under User Settings
  • If not already compiled, compile the application (compiler output is written to the /dist folder)
npm run build
  • Test that the application is working using bin/strava --help
strava -h

  Usage: strava [options]


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -d, --dates <dates>        Comma separated list of activity date or date ranges in format '20141231-20150105,20150107'. If the last entry in the list is a single date then everything from that date until today will be included.
    -i, --id <athleteId>       Athlete ID. Defaults to your login
    -u, --athlete              Show athlete details including list of bikes
    -g, --friends [opt]        Show athlete friends list (Use --more a complete summary, otherwise id and name are displayed)
    -k, --kml <file>           Create KML file for specified date range
    -x, --xml <file>           Create Acroforms XML file for specified date range, this is specific to a particular unpublished PDF form document
    -a, --activities [filter]  Output activities to kml file, optionally filtering by activity type (as defined by Strava, 'Ride', 'Hike', 'Walk', etc), plus 'commute' and 'nocommute')
    -s, --segments [opts]      Output starred segments to KML, adding efforts within date range to description if --more. Segments are grouped into folders by location unless opts is set to 'flat'.
    -m, --more                 When generating KML file, include additional detail info in KML description field
    -y, --imperial             Use imperial units
    -p, --path <cwd>           Current folder
    -v, --verbose              Verbose messages


  1. bin/strava is a bash script that adds the --path option and executes the nodejs application.
  2. bin/strava will try to resolve the location of .strava/user.settings.json by resolving $HOME. $HOME is resolved by trying, in order, the ENV variables HOME, HOMEPATH and USERPROFILE.
  3. athleteId will be automatically determined from your authentication (the --id option is ignored for now).
  4. The settings file's lineStyles object allows you to customize colors for segments and routes. The keys in this object are Strava Activity types, and the values include KML line color ('aabbggrr', alpha, blue, green, red hex values) and width. There are additional keys for 'Segment' and 'Commute' that are not in the list of Strava activity types.
  5. Outputing segments (--segments) is currently broken

Strava Command Line Application

The command line application can be used to query Strava and:

  • Return details for an athlete
  • Return your list of bikes (currently not working)
  • Generate a KML file that contains activity routes for the range of dates and/or starred segments and corresponding segment efforts within the date range.


  • You will be required to authenticate by logging into your Strava account.
    • Tokens retrieved from this login are stored in~/.strava/credentials.json.
  • Different activity types are rendered using different colors. Colors are defined by lineStyle in user.settings.json. The default set of colors is defined by defaultLineStyles in lib/kml.ts.

Example Command Line Use

Create a KML file that includes all activities for the first half of 2013. Add detailed descriptions to each activity.

bin/strava.js --date 20130101-20130630 --kml ~/tmp/activities.kml --activities --more

Create a KML file that shows all of your starred segments and lists your times for those efforts (currently not working)

bin/strava.js --date 20100101-20141231 --kml ~/tmp/activities.kml --segments --more

User Settings

The user settings file is stored at $HOME/.strava/user.settings.json.

  "lineStyles": {
    "Commute": { "color": "C03030C0", "width": 4 },
    "Run": { "color": "C000FF00", "width": 4 }

Use this file to override default lineStyles for segments and routes. The keys in the lineStyles object are Strava Activity types, and the values include KML line color ('aabbggrr', alpha, blue, green, red hex values) and line width. This application has added additional keys for 'Segment' and 'Commute' that are not in the list of Strava activity types.

Defaults settings are shown below

  "lineStyles": {
    "Default": { "color": "C00000FF", "width": 4 },
    "Ride": { "color": "C00000A0", "width": 4 },
    "Hike": { "color": "F0FF0000", "width": 4 },
    "Walk": { "color": "F0f08000", "width": 4 },
    "Sand Up Paddling": { "color": "F0f08000", "width": 4 },
    "Nordic Ski": { "color": "F0f08000", "width": 4 },
    "Commute": { "color": "C085037D", "width": 4 },
    "Segment": { "color": "C0FFFFFF", "width": 6 }

KML Description

Using --more will result in a description field being added to the KML activity or segment. For activities this will include the following fields (see notes afterwards):

  Distance: 45.28 km
  Total Elevation Gain: 1507 m
  Moving Time: 03:47:41
  Average Temp: 22°C
  Grizzly Flat Fire Road: 00:23:08
  Tires: Knobbies
  Description: 1 garter snake, 1 banana slug, 1 deer, lots of California Salamanders


  1. The Strava description field is parsed. Any key/value pairs, represented by a line containing a string of the form Tires=Knobbies, will result in a separate line being added to the description output.
  2. For segments, using --more will add some basic information about the segment and add an ordered list of efforts you've made for that segment during the specified date range.

Description Field Processing

Entries in the form key=value (e.g. wt=84.1kg) that on their own line in the Strava description field will be parsed out for use downstream. For KML files, these will be output as part of the activity description.


The strava-api.ts file is originally from mojodna and has been modified.


  • I started working on a PDF report generator, however I have barely begun this effort and will probably not ever complete it. It is at bin/pdfgen.js.
  • Get --segment working again
  • Improve authentication experience