
👷 TypeScript's largest utility library

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


TypeScript's largest utility library

Language grade: JavaScript

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ts-toolbelt is the largest, and most tested type library available right now, featuring +200 utilities. Our type collection packages some of the most advanced mapped types, conditional types, and recursive types on the market.

Spend less time, build stronger. Benefit from a wide range of generic type functions to achieve better type safety.

We work just like lodash, or ramda, but applied to the type system. Our mission is to provide you with simple ways to compute, change, and create types. We abstract all those complex type checks away for you. We provide a simple, reusable, and standard API to help you get more done with TypeScript.

ts-toolbelt is a well organized package that can help you perform advanced operations on object types, union types, as well as function, and literal types. It is carefully and coherently designed for building robust, flexible, and type-safe software.


We are a community and a knowledge base. Everyone is welcome to ask questions about types. If you are stuck or you misunderstand something, you came to the right place!. We welcome beginners and advanced developers to come take part. Welcome!

Getting Started


npm install typescript@^4.1.0 --save-dev

For best results, add this to your tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    // highly recommended (required by few utilities)
    "strictNullChecks": true,

    // this is optional, but enable whenever possible
    "strict": true,

    // this is the lowest supported standard library
    "lib": ["es2015"],


npm install ts-toolbelt --save

Hello World

import {Object} from "ts-toolbelt"
// Check the docs below for more

// Merge two `object` together
type merge = Object.Merge<{name: string}, {age?: number}>
// {name: string, age?: number}

// Make a field of an `object` optional
type optional = Object.Optional<{id: number, name: string}, "name">
// {id: number, name?: string}

You can level-up, and re-code this library from scratch.

Documentation ⤢


The project is organized around TypeScript's main concepts:

Any Boolean Class Function Iteration List
Number Object Object.P String Union Test

TIP How to choose categories? Match your type with them.

There are many ways to import the types into your project:

  • Explicit

    import {Any, Boolean, Class, Function, Iteration, List, Number, Object, String, Union} from "ts-toolbelt"
  • Compact

    import {A, B, C, F, I, L, N, O, S, U} from "ts-toolbelt"
  • Portable

    import tb from "ts-toolbelt"

You can also import our non-official API from the community:

import {Community} from "ts-toolbelt"

TIP The community API is for our community to publish useful types that don't see fit in the standard API.

Utility Index

Await Assign Append AutoPath At Diff Class And Absolute Merge Iteration
At AtLeast Assign Compose Join Exclude Instance Not Add Omit IterationOf
Cast Compulsory AtLeast Curry Length Filter Parameters Or Greater Pick Key
Compute CompulsoryKeys Compulsory Exact Replace Has Xor GreaterEq Readonly Next
Contains Diff CompulsoryKeys Function Split IntersectOf IsNegative Update Pos
Equals Either Concat Length Last IsPositive Record Prev
Extends Exclude Diff Narrow Merge IsZero
Key ExcludeKeys Drop NoInfer NonNullable Lower
Keys Filter Either Parameters Nullable LowerEq
KnownKeys FilterKeys Exclude Pipe Pop Negate
Is Has ExcludeKeys Promisify Replace Range
Promise HasPath Extract Return Select Sub
Try Includes Filter UnCurry Strict
Type Intersect FilterKeys ValidPath ListOf
x IntersectKeys Flatten
Invert Group
ListOf Has
Merge HasPath
MergeAll Head
Modify Includes
NonNullable Intersect
NonNullableKeys IntersectKeys
Nullable KeySet
NullableKeys Last
Object LastKey
Omit Length
Optional List
OptionalKeys Longest
Overwrite Merge
Partial MergeAll
Patch Modify
PatchAll NonNullable
Path NonNullableKeys
Paths Nullable
Pick NullableKeys
Readonly ObjectOf
ReadonlyKeys Omit
Record Optional
Replace OptionalKeys
Required Overwrite
RequiredKeys Partial
Select Patch
SelectKeys PatchAll
Undefinable Path
UndefinableKeys Paths
Unionize Pick
UnionOf Pop
Update Prepend
Writable Readonly
WritableKeys ReadonlyKeys

Archives ⤢

EXAMPLE https://millsp.github.io/ts-toolbelt/4.2.1/

Good to Know ⤢

In this wiki, you will find some extra resources for your learning, and understanding.

Are you missing something? Participate to the open-wiki by posting your questions.

Running tests

For this project

To run the lint & type tests, simply run:

npm test

For your project

Want to test your own types? Let's get started:

import {Number, Test} from "ts-toolbelt"

const {checks, check} = Test

    check<Number.Add<1, 30>, 31, Test.Pass>(),
    check<Number.Add<5, -3>, 2,  Test.Pass>(),

TIP Place it in a file that won't be executed, it's just for TypeScript to test types.

Continuous Integration

The releases are done with Travis CI in stages & whenever a branch or PR is pushed:

  • Tests are run with npm test
  • Tests against DefinitelyTyped
  • Releases to npm@[branch-name]


The project is maintained to adapt to the constant changes of TypeScript:

ts-toolbelt typescript
9.x.x ^4.1.x

Major version numbers will upgrade whenever TypeScript had breaking changes.

Otherwise, the release versions will naturally follow the semantic versioning.

What's next

  • Automated performance tests

    # performance is checked manually with 
    npx tsc --noEmit --extendedDiagnostics
  • Need to write more examples

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