Personal Site, refactored and updated July 2019

Setup instructions

  1. Make sure Ruby is installed correctly: ruby -v (Ensure PATH variable contains the ruby bin folder)

  2. If Bundler is not yet installed, run: gem install bundler

  3. Install packages: bundle install

  4. Make sure jekyll is installed correctly: jekyll -v

Development instructions

  1. To serve locally: bundle exec jekyll serve

  2. To add a project:

    • Add an entry to _data/projects.json
    • Add a folder to assets/img/projects, named with the new project's id
    • Add image files, including thumb.png, to this folder
    • Add colour variable to _sass/base/_variables.scss and use it in _sass/modules/_colour.scss
    • Add a details page to the 'project' folder

Deployment instructions

  1. Push to master