Meddling With Evil

This project demonstrates how you might integrate WordPress' content management functionality with your Laravel app, to save from building a half-baked UI for your clients.


Run composer install in:

  1. The root directory.
  2. The Laravel directory.
  3. The WordPress directory.

Come back to the root directory and run vendor/bin/homestead make. Update your new Homestead.yaml file so that your sites and databases match the following example:

memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox
authorize: ~/.ssh/
    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa
        map: /path/to/root/folder
        to: /home/vagrant/code
        map: laravel.meddling.test
        to: /home/vagrant/code/laravel/public
        map: wordpress.meddling.test
        to: /home/vagrant/code/wordpress/web
    - laravel
    - wordpress
name: meddling-with-evil
hostname: meddling-with-evil

Then, update both laravel/.env and wordpress/.env with appropriate database credentials.

Ensuring you have pointed the hosts laravel.meddling.test and wordpress.meddling.test to your chosen IP address (in the above example,, you may visit both of these websites.

Begin by firstly installing WordPress. Once WordPress is installed, your Laravel app will work.

You may now visit http://laravel.meddling.test/sample-page. The content for this is pulled from WordPress.

Next, visit http://wordpress.meddling.test/wp/wp-admin/ and add a new Slide (this is a Custom Post Type). Once you've added a slide with a feature image, it'll show up on your main Laravel app's home page - http://laravel.meddling.test/.