
clang tests

Primary LanguageC++

Test utils using the llvm parser

Example use of the AST matcher

See src/loop_matcher.cpp

After "make", to test, run: ./loop_convert test/test2.cpp --

It should return something like:

ForStmt 0x2d71838 |-DeclStmt 0x2d25ca0 | -VarDecl 0x2d25c20 used i 'int' cinit | -IntegerLiteral 0x2d25c80 'int' 0 |-<<>> |-BinaryOperator 0x2d25d18 '_Bool' '<' | |-ImplicitCastExpr 0x2d25d00 'int' | | -DeclRefExpr 0x2d25cb8 'int' lvalue Var 0x2d25c20 'i' 'int' | -IntegerLiteral 0x2d25ce0 'int' 10 |-UnaryOperator 0x2d25d68 'int' postfix '++' | -DeclRefExpr 0x2d25d40 'int' lvalue Var 0x2d25c20 'i' 'int' -CompoundStmt 0x2d71818 -UnaryOperator 0x2d717f8 'int' postfix '++' -DeclRefExpr 0x2d717d0 'int' lvalue Var 0x2d25b78 'ret' 'int'

AST Visitor example

./visitor test/test.cpp ---

Should return: CXXMethodDecl 0x4185740 </home/lben/tools/clang-tests/test/test.cpp:5:4, line:7:3> line:5:11 used toto 'double (int, float, double)' |-ParmVarDecl 0x4134af8 <col:16, col:20> col:20 used i 'int' |-ParmVarDecl 0x4134b68 <col:23, col:29> col:29 used k 'float' |-ParmVarDecl 0x4134bd8 <col:32, col:39> col:39 used l 'double' -CompoundStmt 0x4185980 <col:42, line:7:3> -ReturnStmt 0x4185968 <line:6:5, col:20> -BinaryOperator 0x4185940 <col:12, col:20> 'double' '*' |-ImplicitCastExpr 0x4185928 <col:12, col:16> 'double' <FloatingCast> | -BinaryOperator 0x41858c0 <col:12, col:16> 'float' '*' | |-ImplicitCastExpr 0x41858a8 col:12 'float' | | -ImplicitCastExpr 0x4185878 <col:12> 'int' <LValueToRValue> | | -DeclRefExpr 0x4185828 col:12 'int' lvalue ParmVar 0x4134af8 'i' 'int' | -ImplicitCastExpr 0x4185890 <col:16> 'float' <LValueToRValue> | -DeclRefExpr 0x4185850 col:16 'float' lvalue ParmVar 0x4134b68 'k' 'float' -ImplicitCastExpr 0x4185910 <col:20> 'double' <LValueToRValue> -DeclRefExpr 0x41858e8 col:20 'double' lvalue ParmVar 0x4134bd8 'l' 'double'