
Mailgun for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This library provides simple access to Mailgun's API for node.js applications. It's MIT licensed, originated by shz@github and being used in production over at Hipsell.

Fork notes ( @Bencrox / since 18 Aug, 2014 )

Please refer to the master repo shz@github if you do

npm install mailgun

The following is only valid for this transitional fork. Any update and plan here does not reflect the master repo.


Make sure you have the node_module directory

git clone https://github.com/bencrox/node-mailgun.git node_module/mailgun

If you are not as lazy as I am, figure out correct pathing and clean off uncessary stuff


Mailgun has been acquired by Rackspace and might have been part of Rackspace email. You can check out ( as I do ) the official Mailgun Documentation.

@shz noted that node-mailgun is based off the implementation from Mailgun's github account, and not the API docs on the site.

@bencrox is very lazy, and would only verify by implementation step by step.


Access to the API is done through a Mailgun object. It's instantiated like so:

var Mailgun = require('mailgun').Mailgun,
         mg = new Mailgun('api-key');

@bencrox would like to build a more federated way to store and pick api-keys in mid-to-long run.

API coverage

Ab initio, @shz has made the API for sending email, sendText and sendRaw, and routing inbox, createRoute, getRoutes and deleteRoute.

@bencrox has a primary aim to explore usage of currenty (Aug 2014) API set from Mailgun, espeically those for tracking and campaign management.

So far, nothing has been added. @bencrox is only forking to read and revise documentation and thereby add some roadmap for his own reference and interest.

Proposed Roadmap @bencrox

  • Implement webhooks for tracking, which can be seperated as another project.
  • inline image reference
  • update sending options or MIME-headers ** schedule delivery by tag
  • document queue behavior
  • do mailing-list right
  • study recipient variables or templating
remarks @bencrox. Below are not touched since forking.

Sending Email

Mailgun's API provides two methods for sending email: raw, and text. Both of them are exposed here.


Sends a simple plain-text email. This also allows for slightly easier sending of Mailgun options, since with sendRaw you have to set them in the MIME body yourself.

sendText(sender, recipients, subject, text, [servername=''], [options={}], [callback(err)])

  • sender - Sender of the message; this should be a full email address (e.g. example@example.com).
  • recipients - A string (example@example.com) or array of strings (['a@example.com', 'b@example.com']) of recipients; these can be email addresses or HTTP URLs.
  • subject - Message subject
  • text - Message body text
  • servername - The name of the Mailgun server. If you only have one server on your Mailgun account, this can be omitted. Otherwise, it should be set to the server you want to send from.
  • options - Optional parameters. See Mailgun's API docs for details on these. At the time of writing, the only supported value is headers, which should be a hash of additional MIME headers you want to send.
  • callback - Callback to be fired when the email is done being sent. This should take a single parameter, err, that will be set to the status code of the API HTTP response code if the email failed to send; on success, err will be undefined.


         ['recipient1@example.com', 'http://example.com/recipient2'],
         'Behold the wonderous power of email!',
         {'X-Campaign-Id': 'something'},
         function(err) { err && console.log(err) });


Sends a raw MIME message. Don't just use this with text; instead, you should either build a MIME message manually or by using some MIME library such as andris9's mailcomposer module https://github.com/andris9/mailcomposer (FWIW mailcomposer is the same module used by the popular nodemailer module http://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer).

sendRaw(sender, recipients, rawBody, [servername], [callback(err)])

  • sender - Sender of the message; this should be a full email address (e.g. example@example.com)
  • recipients - A string (example@example.com) or array of strings (['a@example.com', 'b@example.com']) of recipients; these can be email addresses or HTTP URLs.
  • rawBody - MIME message to send
  • servername - The name of the Mailgun server. If you only have one server on your Mailgun account, this can be omitted. Otherwise, it should be set to the server you want to send from.
  • callback - Callback to be fired when the email is done being sent. This should take a single parameter, err, that will be set to the status code of the API HTTP response code if the email failed to send; on success, err will be undefined.

Note: Sending a message via raw MIME lets you use Mailgun's built-in templating shinies. Check out the Mailgun Docs for details.


        ['recipient1@example.com', 'http://example.com/recipient2'],
        'From: sender@example.com' +
          '\nTo: ' + 'recipient1@example.com, http://example.com/recipient2' +
          '\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' +
          '\nSubject: I Love Email' +
          '\n\nBecause it\'s just so awesome',
        function(err) { err && console.log(err) });

Email Addresses

Mailgun allows sender and recipient email addresses to be formatted in several different ways:

  • 'John Doe' <john@example.com>
  • "John Doe" <john@example.com>
  • John Doe <john@example.com>
  • <john@example.com>
  • john@example.com

Mailgun Headers

Mailgun understands a couple special headers, specified via options when using sendText, or in the MIME headers when using sendRaw. These are defined below.

  • X-Mailgun-Tag - Used to tag sent emails (defined in Mailgun.MAILGUN_TAG)
  • X-Campaign-Id - Used for tracking campaign data (defined in Mailgun.CAMPAIGN_ID)


Here's a complete sending example.

var Mailgun = require('mailgun').Mailgun;

var mg = new Mailgun('some-api-key');
mg.sendText('example@example.com', ['Recipient 1 <rec1@example.com>', 'rec2@example.com'],
  'This is the subject',
  'This is the text',
  'noreply@example.com', {},
  function(err) {
    if (err) console.log('Oh noes: ' + err);
    else     console.log('Success');


Mailgun lets you route incoming email to different destinations. TODO - more docs


Creates a new route. TODO - more docs

createRoute(pattern, destination, [callback(err, id)])

TODO - document arguments


Deletes the route with the specified ID if it exists, otherwise fails silently.

deleteRoute(id, [callback(err)])

  • id - Route ID, as returned by getRoutes() or createRoute.
  • Callback to be fired when the deletion is completed. This callback takes a single argument, err, that will be set to an Error object if something went wrong with the deletion. If the deletion succeeded, or no route existed with the specified ID, err will be undefined.


Gets a list of all routes.

getRoutes(callback(err, routes))

  • callback - Callback to be fired when the request has finished. This should take two parameters: err, which will hold either an HTTP error code, or an error string on failure; and routes, which will be a list of routes on success. Routes returned through this callback will be objects with three fields: pattern, destination, and id.


getRoutes(function(err, routes) {

  if (err) console.log('Error:', err);

  for (var i=0; i<routes.length; i++) {
    console.log('  Pattern:', routes[i].pattern);
    console.log('  Destination:', routes[i].destination);
    console.log('  Id:', routes[i].id);

Eventual Work:

  • Mailboxes