
Ubiquitous Urging Utility, or the Protocol


Ultimate Uuushing Utility, or the Protocol

Ouch! what are you doing here?

errr... I am getting tired with the Twitter API and big big Yo client.

Plus, I am a M2M message hacker for already whoooping 12 years.. working in the dark. Not much people know I what have done, and that....

I AM REALLY HATING THE BLACK BOX, want to say NO to any patent / magic / clumsy design.

Design Principles

  • User first. Always enable people to use with shell script, and human readable format
  • Visibility kills. Content should just fit your push notification dialog
  • Short! Made it shorter! TL;DR! Just clip stuff in an uri ~
  • Embrace popular conventions: #HashTag , @Mention,
  • Research new micro formats: !Action, $Serial, %Template, ^Index, &Reference, :Extension, *Geo ...
  • Unicode + Emoticon + QR
  • Network on steriod: Go live in China, or even Myammar... tell me what the fuck the "internet" is... crap.

By ultimate, I was thinking about ubiquity.

By uuushing, I was thinking about urgency and realtimeness... and perhaps sex.

By utility, I am thinking about shell scripts, hey thus dot-sh :D

How to contribute

You may brutally copy and modify and implement what I suggest so far. But I hope you do make some difference. I am a careless people. If you don't change anything, I'd rather call you CopyRats instead of CopyCats. Cats are cool!

I don't have time. If I have, you will see minor updates in this repo and perhaps uuu.sh ( yes I have reg the site.)

Is this thing practical?

Well expect that I will make hardware and software items with this thing in mind. And perhaps I suck, but other cool people approve this, they will be something sensible.

When do you expect launch / ground ?

Just hope to get things working before Twitter is 10 years old.

Any ideas so far?

First #HashTag : the primary key ; First @Mention : the key person

Keep things tidy and hyper addressable / aggragatable :D Order matters.

!Action or !Activity should be streams identifies

Uuush is not just about tiny messages. It is being design with stream and activity in mind. Guess what, I can't believe the void still exists when (biz) devs hearing "Activity Streams"... Hopefully Google now / inbox by Google might live up the scene.

Discrete messages concatentate with $serial, aggregate and visualize with %Template

The 1st thing in my mind is that I deal with real time message so often. I have get sensors attach to door hinge in thousands of mobile toilets ( hahaha, but it I cannot show you the cool maps because of braindead NDAs... ). One message fucks nothing, yet if it is not a stream, or not being so short and discrete to send out, that is useless.

With $serial, data will be accumulating to some kind of %Template, which should be revealed by kinda of very small, visual orientated, embedded application. Just imagine what happens with Firefox(the base app) + Sage(the template) + RSS(the serializable data sources)

Realtime muting data

Outdated data is... non-sense. Context is important.

^Index is kind of net-side application that simple supply the realtime stream or update. ^Index can be snapshoted with :Extension timestamp/interval or *GeoZone or &Reference clusters. Yeah I do think of clusters, which could mean a collection / set of sensor / data-source which is relevant to certain people.

Inspirations from

  • Twitter ... bird, you are the old bird
  • Yo ... telepathy is so hard, yet one touch is so HOT
  • Firechat ... BT, Wifi direct are all cool. Can it be even more fast and nifty?
  • IPv6 ... Every physical interface is so unique and atomic but addressing virtual/fuzzy entities such as idea, stream can be fucking hard.
  • Micro-formats ... just without HTML
  • HTML & Javascript & CSS ... the ultimate embbedable front end :D
  • Yak yik ... hyper-locality
  • telnet-bbs ... say Hi to innd, firebird, pttbbs, and hkday, SYSOPS never dies :DDD ( and that if I am to make an app, the default font must be non-fucking-proportional
  • RSS / Atom ... Thanks for re-stressing URIs should be time relevant

What's next?

I am so busy such that I can merely update within a blog post next week.

Help me by discussing #Uuush anywhere hashtag is intelligible.