
Questioner is a platform that allows users to crowdsource questions for a meetup.


Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate


The platform helps meetup organizer priotize questions to be answered.Other users can vote on asked questions.

This project is managed using a pivotal tracker board. View the board here

Github Pages Documentation Heroku Link



1.users can get all meetups

2.users can get a specific meetups

3.users can post a question to a specific meetup

4.users can downvote a question

5.users can upvote a question

6.users can RSVP meetup


  1. Python3
  2. Flask
  3. Flask restplus
  4. Postman

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository
  1. Navigate to the cloned repository
    cd Questioner


  1. Create a virtual environment
    virtualenv -p python3 venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install git
    sudo apt-get install git-all
  1. Switch to 'develop' branch
    git checkout develop
  1. Install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application


When you run this application, you can test the following API endpoints using postman

Endpoint Functionality
POST/meetups Create a meetup record
GET/meetups/ Fetch a specific meetup record
GET /meetups/upcoming/ Fetch all upcoming meetup records
POST /meetups//questions Create a question for a specific meetup
PATCH /questions//upvote Upvote (increase votes by 1) a specific question
PATCH /questions//downvote Downvote (decrease votes by 1) a specific question
POST /meetups//rsvps Respond to meetup RSVP
POST /users Create a user account
GET /users/all Fetch users
GET /users/ Get a specific user account


Benson Njung'e - Initial work-becnyn


  1. Andela Workshops
  2. Team members