
A template repository to fork each time a new NCCEH data project is begun to help manage project progress, issue tracking and other common project management tasks.


A template repository to fork each time a new NCCEH data project is begun to help manage project progress, issue tracking and other common project management tasks.




In order for other people to participate in a repository, the following steps must be completed:

  1. Each person must register for an account on GitHub
  2. Each person must follow this particular repository (not the template, but the project repository). You can send them a link to the repository or simply tell them to follow you on GitHub and find the repository via your profile.
  3. The owner of the repository must grant user permissions for each follower to define how they are allowed to interact with the repository. Read-only or Full read/write.


Issues can be tracked in the repository's "Issues" tab button (above) or at the following url: github.com/[username]/[repository]/issues. Issue tracking is relatively self-explanatory but additional information can be found at https://docs.github.com/en


Files can be managed and changes tracked by uploading them to the repository periodically via the "Add file" button above. Use this space to note what files are included and the status of each.

  • filename1.xx
  • filename2.xx
  • etc


Task Lists

You can add "Task Lists" which are interactive checklists in most text boxes in GitHub by starting a new line of text with an [open bracket] and [closed bracket]. For example:

  • Type: "[ ] Task 1" to see (indicated as incomplete):

  • Task 1

  • Type: "[x] Task 2" to see (indicated as complete):

  • Task 2


Images / Photos

Photos and Images can be copied and pasted directly in-line into thie text editor for this README.md file as follows: image

Tagging Users

It's possible to tag users who are followers of the repository by typing their username pre-pended with an "@" symbol (i.e. @timbender-ncceh). A tagged user will be notified that they have been tagged and where. Tagging can be done in most text boxes in GitHub, and if successful the username will show up as a hyperlink.