
The command line interface for Bender.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The command line interface for Bender.js. It's used to run locally installed version of Bender.js in the current working directory.


benderjs-cli is compatible with Bender.js in versions 0.1.x and 0.2.x.

Warning: this module is not compatible with global installations of Bender 0.1.x


For your convenience, please install benderjs-cli globally.

npm install -g benderjs-cli


For the complete list of commands, please visit Bender.js repository.

Local installation

It is possible to install and use a local copy of benderjs-cli in your project. To do this, first install benderjs-cli without "global" flag:

npm install benderjs-cli --save-dev

Then, add a new script to your package.json file, for example:

"scripts": {
  "test": "bender run -b chrome"

Now executing npm test command will run the local copy of benderjs-cli using ./node_modules/.bin/bender executable.


MIT, for license details see: LICENSE.md.