
A .NET 6 Web API back-end with a React client-side app

Primary LanguageC#

The Worry List

Development Environment

The project was built using Visual Studio Code targeting .NET 6 & React 18

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Architecture Overview

The architecture approach for this application has taken inspiration from Jason Taylor's Clean Architecture


Web API targeting .NET Core 6 that provides all the endpoints of the application (details to follow)


Feature implementation using MediatR


Domain entities used throughout the application


Data access including migration and seed data.

In order to run the PostgreSQL database, you need to install docker and run the following command. which will install the required container:

docker run --name dev -e POSTGRES_USER=youruser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourpassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:latest


Utility classes such as email sender


React 18 client-side application that interacts with the backend Web API


API Endpoints


  • User login

Http POST /api/user/login

  • User registration

HTTP POST /api/user/register

  • Get current user

HTTP GET /api/user

Worry Items

  • Get all worry items

HTTP GET /api/my-worry-items

  • Get worry item

HTTP GET /api/my-worry-items/{id}

  • Add new worry item

HTTP POST /api/my-worry-items

  • Update worry item

HTTP PUT /api/my-worry-items/{id}

  • Delete worry item

HTTP DELETE /api/my-worry-items/{id}

  • Mark worry item as 'complete'

HTTP POST /api/my-worry-items/{id}/complete

The easiest way to test the API is via the Swagger definition located at /swagger/index.html