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Architect is a tool for building Docker images. It accepts a software deliverable as input, usually a Maven artifact containing a runnable application, and builds a Docker image using the deliverable as the main component of the build context.
Architect was designed with the OpenShift Custom Build Strategy in mind. Thus, it will normally be embedded in a custom builder container.
However, Architect can also run outside Docker and OpenShift, e.g. on a developer workstation.
The input deliverable must contain a runnable application and must meet certain requirements regarding content and file structure.
Architect will perform the following tasks:
- Download and prepare the deliverable in order to use it as the 'context' for a Docker build.
- Create a custom Dockerfile.
- Perform the Docker build.
- Create a set of image tags.
- Push the image and image tags to the designated registry.
The deliverable is the main input to the image build task. It is identified by the Maven coordinates which is supplied to Architect as build configuration variables.
A specially tailored base image is associated with every deliverable.
Currently Architect supports only one deliverable type: Java application.
Base image name is aurora/oracle8
This deliverable contains the following:
- Java libraries
- Start script (optional)
- Liveness and readiness scripts (optional)
- Metadata file
- Application resources
Architect creates several scripts and files during the prepare stage.
- Default start script if not provided. The main Java class must be specified in the metadata file.
- Default liveness and readiness scripts [Sjekke!]
- Logging configuration.
- Dockerfile - Based on a standard template and customized with information from the metadata file.
The metadata file, openshift.json, contains information required to prepare the Dockerfile as well as the start script, liveness and readiness scripts.
Architect will create a set of image tags derived from the deliverable version and the build configuration variables.
This section outlines the relationship between deliverale version and the tags that Architect will create.
The purpose and characteristics of each tag is described in the next section.
A normal version according to the semantic versioning specification has the form X.Y.Z
Refer to semver.org for details.
If the version is a normal version, then Architect will create a full set of tags including latest, semantic versioning tags, and Aurora version tag.
If the version contains the word SNAPSHOT which may appear anywhere in the version string,
then it is considered to be snapshot version, f.ex 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT
If the version is a snapshot version, then Architect will only create a SNAPSHOT tag in addition to the Aurora version tag.
The version is neither a normal version or a snapshot version, f.ex 2.1.0-ALPHA
In this case Architect will only create the Aurora version tag.
Architect will create a number of tags depending on the use case, deliverable version and build variables.
- Aurora version tag
- latest tag
- Semantic versioning tags
- Temporary tag
- Snapshot tag
The Aurora version tag will always be created when an image is built. It is derived from the deliverable version, the version of Architect as well as the the base image name and version.
For example, suppose that the deliverable version is 1.4.51
, the Architect version is 2.2.3
and the Java base image version is 1.4.0
, then the resulting Aurora version will be
The latest
tag will normally reference the image with the highest precedence.
By default, Architect will not overwrite an existing latest
tag that references an image with
an Aurora version with higher semantic precedence than the new image.
The build variable EXTRA_TAGS
can be used if Architect should not create the latest
The semantic versioning tags gives the user more fine grained control of the deployment of the image.
An OpenShift image stream will be notified whenever the image referenced by an image tag is updated.
Semantic versioning tags allows the user to pin one or more segments of the version number, X.Y.Z
- The major tag includes only the major version
. By pinning the major version number, a new deployment will be triggered when either the minor or patch version is changed. - The minor tag includes the minor version
. By pinning the minor version number, X.Y, a new deployment will be triggered when the patch version is changed. - The patch version is the full semantic version number,
By default, Architect will not overwrite existing semantic versioning tags that reference an image with an Aurora version that has higher semantic precedence than the new image. This behaviour may be overriden with the build variable TAG_OVERWRITE.
The build variable EXTRA_TAGS
can be used to specify what semantic versioning tags to create.
The temporary tag is specified with the variable TAG_WITH
. Architect will not create any other tags
except for the Aurora version tags.
The snapshot tag is equal to the artifact version, f.ex. feature_AOS_540_Add_logic-SNAPSHOT
Architect supports three use cases - normal build, temporary build or retag a temporary build.
In this use case Architect will build a Docker image from a Maven artifact. The artifact may be a snapshot or a released version.
This use case is triggered by assigning a value to the variable TAG_WITH
. This value is used as a tag name.
The difference between this use case and a normal build is:
Architect will only create a temporary tag in addition to the Aurora version tag. Architect will derive a full set of tags, depending on the version type, that will be stored as Docker environment variables.
This use case assumes that a temporary build has already been performed. Architect will not perform a Docker build.
The variable RETAG_WITH
identifies a previously built image.
Architect will typically be invoked from a Jenkins pipeline script by using the OpenShift client
This requires an existing OpenShift build configuration in the cluster.
Run the Architect binary from the commandline. A file that contains the required build variabled must be specified, f.ex:
architect build -f test.json -v
ARTIFACT_ID, GROUP_ID and VERSION - Identifies the Maven artifact.
BASE_IMAGE_REGISTRY, DOCKER_BASE_NAME, DOCKER_BASE_VERSION - Architect will use this as the base image.
TAG_WITH - Indicates that Architect should perform a temporary build.
RETAG_WITH - Indicates that Architect should retag the image from a temporary build.
TAG_OVERWRITE - Normally, Architect will not overwrite existing semantic versioning tags from a previous build if the existing ones refers to an image which have a higher precedence than the new one. Setting this variable to true indicates that Architect should overwrite existing semantic versioning tags even if the existing ones have a higher precedence.
BUILDER_VERSION - Architect version.
EXTRA_TAGS - Specify exacly which tags to create. For example by specifying
the minor and patch tags will not be created.
make # Build the application. Is is written to bin/<achitecture>
make test # Runs test, go vet and go fmt. Should be run before every checkin
We use glide. When you need to install dependencies, use
glide install
For update of dependecies, see Glide documentation (http://glide.sh)
Architect is build on OpenShift with a builder called Cotterpin. Look at architect_bc.json for a working BC.
The build is orchestrated on Jenkins, with Jenkinsfile