"Stupidly Light Framework" - A PHP Microframework

slf is an php micro-framework heavily inspired by 
CodeIgniter, and built with compatibility in mind.

=== AUTHOR ===
Ben Doran - contact@bdoran.co.uk
(C) 2011-2012 - Ben Doran


Be light and easy to implement 
Force use of proper MVC 
Allow rapid prototyping 
Aid in the development of RESTfull services 
Be Highly Configurable 
Be Highly Testable
Be Faster than CodeIgniter (at the little things) but, be CodeIgniter compatible (for the big things)

== LICENSE: MIT License ==
slf is released under MIT License
You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program.
If not, see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php