
A straight-forward password hashing module for node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This module provides straight-forward password hashing for node.js applications using default settings considered to be safe.


First, install the module:

$ npm install password-hash-and-salt --save

Afterwards, usage is simple as shown in the following example:

var password = require('password-hash-and-salt');

var myuser = [];

// Creating hash and salt
password('mysecret').hash(function(error, hash) {
		throw new Error('Something went wrong!');

	// Store hash (incl. algorithm, iterations, and salt)
	myuser.hash = hash;

	// Verifying a hash
	password('hack').verifyAgainst(myuser.hash, function(error, verified) {
			throw new Error('Something went wrong!');
		if(!verified) {
			console.log("Don't try! We got you!");
		} else {
			console.log("The secret is...");


password-hash-and-salt uses node.js' internal crypto module. Hashes are generated with pbkdf2 using 10,000 iterations by default. If you want to specify a different number of iterations use e.g.

password('mysecret', 12000);

Created hash

The created hash is of the following format: pbkdf2$iterations$hash$salt

This allows for future upgrades of the algorithm and/or increased number of iterations in future version. It also simplifies storage as no dedicated database field for the salt is required.

Automatic hash migration

If an application increases the number of iterations for encryption, verifyAgainst can automatically rehash a password on login with the new number of iterations by specifying reash (3rd argument) as true when creating password object. The new hash will be the 3rd argument in the callback passed to verifyAgainst e.g.

// Create hash with default iterations(10000), then automatically migrate to stronger version(12000)
password('mysecret').hash(function(error, hash) {
		throw new Error('Something went wrong!');

	// Store hash (incl. algorithm, iterations, and salt)
	myuser.hash = hash;

	// Verifying a hash
	password('mysecret', 12000, true).verifyAgainst(myuser.hash, function(error, verified, newHash) {
			throw new Error('Something went wrong!');
		if(!verified) {
			console.log("Don't try! We got you!");
		} else {
			//store new hash (incl. algorithm, iterations, and salt)
			myuser.hash = newHash;
			console.log("The new hash is..." + newHash);

Credits and License

express-sslify is licensed under the MIT license. If you'd like to be informed about new projects follow @TheSumOfAll.

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Florian Heinemann