
Bit-level packing and unpacking for Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Bit-level packing and unpacking for Rust

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Packing and unpacking bit-level structures is usually a programming tasks that needlessly reinvents the wheel. This library provides a meta-programming approach, using attributes to define fields and how they should be packed. The resulting trait implementations provide safe packing, unpacking and runtime debugging formatters with per-field documentation generated for each structure.


  • Plain Rust structures, decorated with attributes
  • MSB or LSB integers of user-defined bit widths
  • Primitive enum code generation helper
  • MSB0 or LSB0 bit positioning
  • Documents the field's packing table
  • Runtime packing visualization
  • Nested packed types
  • Arrays of packed structures as fields
  • Reserved fields, their bits are always 0 or 1

Sample usage


packed_struct = "0.3"
packed_struct_codegen = "0.3"

Including the library and the code generator

extern crate packed_struct;
extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

Example of a single-byte structure, with a 3 bit integer, primitive enum and a bool field.

extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

use packed_struct::prelude::*;

pub struct TestPack {
    tiny_int: Integer<u8, packed_bits::Bits3>,
    #[packed_field(bits="3..=4", ty="enum")]
    mode: SelfTestMode,
    enabled: bool

#[derive(PrimitiveEnum_u8, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum SelfTestMode {
    NormalMode = 0,
    PositiveSignSelfTest = 1,
    NegativeSignSelfTest = 2,
    DebugMode = 3,

fn main() {
    let test = TestPack {
        tiny_int: 5.into(),
        mode: SelfTestMode::DebugMode,
        enabled: true

    let packed = test.pack();
    assert_eq!([0b10111001], packed);

    let unpacked = TestPack::unpack(&packed).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(*unpacked.tiny_int, 5);
    assert_eq!(unpacked.mode, SelfTestMode::DebugMode);
    assert_eq!(unpacked.enabled, true);

Packing attributes


extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

#[packed_struct(attr1="val", attr2="val")]
pub struct Structure {
    #[packed_field(attr1="val", attr2="val")]
    field: u8

Per-structure attributes

Attribute Values Comment
size_bytes 1 ... n Size of the packed byte stream
bit_numbering msb0 or lsb0 Bit numbering for bit positioning of fields. Required if the bits attribute field is used.
endian msb or lsb Default integer endianness

Per-field attributes

Attribute Values Comment
bits 0, 0..1, ... Position of the field in the packed structure. Three modes are supported: a single bit, the starting bit, or a range of bits. See details below.
bytes 0, 0..1, ... Same as above, multiplied by 8.
size_bits 1, ... Specifies the size of the packed structure. Mandatory for certain types. Specifying a range of bits like bits="0..2" can substite the required usage of size_bits.
size_bytes 1, ... Same as above, multiplied by 8.
element_size_bits 1, ... For packed arrays, specifies the size of a single element of the array. Explicitly stating the size of the entire array can substite the usage of this attribute.
element_size_bytes 1, ... Same as above, multiplied by 8.
ty enum Packing helper for primitive enums.
endian msb or lsb Integer endianness. Applies to u16/i16 and larger types.

Bit and byte positioning

Used for either bits or bytes on fields. The examples are for MSB0 positioning.

Value Comment
0 A single bit or byte
0.., 0: The field starts at bit zero
0..2 Exclusive range, bits zero and one
0:1, 0..=1 Inclusive range, bits zero and one

More examples

Mixed endian integers

extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

use packed_struct::prelude::*;

pub struct EndianExample {
    int1: u16,
    int2: i32

fn main() {
    let example = EndianExample {
        int1: 0xBBAA,
        int2: 0x11223344

    let packed = example.pack();
    assert_eq!([0xAA, 0xBB, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44], packed);

24 bit LSB integers

extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

use packed_struct::prelude::*;

pub struct LsbIntExample {
    int1: Integer<u32, packed_bits::Bits24>,

fn main() {
    let example = LsbIntExample {
        int1: 0xCCBBAA.into()

    let packed = example.pack();
    assert_eq!([0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC], packed);

Nested packed types within arrays

extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

use packed_struct::prelude::*;

#[derive(PackedStruct, Default, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TinyFlags {
    _reserved: ReservedZero<packed_bits::Bits4>,
    flag1: bool,
    val1: Integer<u8, packed_bits::Bits2>,
    flag2: bool

#[derive(PackedStruct, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Settings {
    values: [TinyFlags; 4]

fn main() {
    let example = Settings {
        values: [
            TinyFlags { flag1: true,  val1: 1.into(), flag2: false, .. TinyFlags::default() },
            TinyFlags { flag1: true,  val1: 2.into(), flag2: true,  .. TinyFlags::default() },
            TinyFlags { flag1: false, val1: 3.into(), flag2: false, .. TinyFlags::default() },
            TinyFlags { flag1: true,  val1: 0.into(), flag2: false, .. TinyFlags::default() },

    let packed = example.pack();
    let unpacked = Settings::unpack(&packed).unwrap();

    assert_eq!(example, unpacked);

Primitive enums with simple discriminants

Supported backing integer types: u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64.

Explicit or implicit backing type:

extern crate packed_struct;
#[macro_use] extern crate packed_struct_codegen;

#[derive(PrimitiveEnum, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ImplicitType {
    VariantMin = 0,
    VariantMax = 255

#[derive(PrimitiveEnum_i16, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ExplicitType {
    VariantMin = -32768,
    VariantMax = 32767

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0