(The Galactic Age Calculator will tell you your age and life expectency on Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter)
- JavaScript
- Babel
- eslintl
- Jest Testing
- This application will provide the business logic for an application meant to allow a user to enter their age and life expectency and discover the equivilents of those properties on the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter.
- clone project to your desktop
- in terminal run : git clone https://github.com/bendunhampdx/galactic-age.git
- navigate to project by running the command cd galactic-calculator
- run command .code to open in VS Code
- run command npm install to install dependencies
- run command npm start to open page in a live server
- In order to run tests, enter 'npm run test' in the terminal to see if your tests are passing or failing.
- No known bugs