React Native Dapp (V2 Explorer)

This is a React Native Application that uses the rn_cli client.

This example uses

  • WalletConnect's Universal Provider | Docs
  • WalletConnect's Explorer API | Explorer Site
  • Ethers


Inside this directory (dapps/v2Explorer), install React Native


Set up your own .env file from the example and replace ENV_PROJECT_ID with your own ProjectId from

cp .env.example .env

Setup (iOS)

If CocoaPods is not installed on your system yet:

brew install cocoapods

Install iOS deps:

cd ios
pod install

To run:

  • npx react-native run-ios

Setup (Android)

  1. Follow the official Environment Setup guidance for Android (select Android for Target OS) to install Android Studio etc.
  2. Set up either a virtual or physical device as outlined in the Preparing the Android device section of the guidance.

To run:

  • npx react-native run-android