
Mocking library for TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Mocking library for TypeScript inspired by http://mockito.org/

1.x to 2.x migration guide

1.x to 2.x migration guide

Main features

  • Strongly typed
  • IDE autocomplete
  • Mock creation (mock) (also abstract classes)
  • Spying on real objects (spy)
  • Changing mock behavior (when) via:
    • thenReturn - return value
    • thenThrow - throw an error
    • thenCall - call custom method
    • thenResolve - resolve promise
    • thenReject - rejects promise
  • Checking if methods were called with given arguments (verify)
    • anything, notNull, anyString, anyOfClass, not etc. - for more flexible comparision
    • once, twice, times, atLeast etc. - allows call count verification
    • calledBefore, calledAfter - allows call order verification
  • Resetting mock (reset, resetCalls)
  • Capturing arguments passed to method (capture)
  • Recording multiple behaviors
  • Readable error messages (ex. 'Expected "convertNumberToString(strictEqual(3))" to be called 2 time(s). But has been called 1 time(s).')


npm install ts-mockito --save-dev



// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// Getting instance from mock
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// Using instance in source code

// Explicit, readable verification

Stubbing method calls

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// stub method before execution

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// prints three

// prints null, because "getBar(999)" was not stubbed

Stubbing getter value

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// stub getter before execution

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// prints three

Stubbing property values that have no getters

Syntax is the same as with getter values.

Please note, that stubbing properties that don't have getters only works if Proxy object is available (ES6).

Call count verification

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// Some calls

// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).once();                    // was called with arg === 1 only once
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(2)).twice();                   // was called with arg === 2 exactly two times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(not().strictEqual(2))).once(); // was called with anything except 2 once
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(between(2, 3))).thrice();      // was called with arg beween 2-3 exactly three times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(anyNumber()).times(4);         // was called with any number arg exactly four times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(not().anyNumber()).times(4);   // was called with anything but not a number exactly four times
verify(mockedFoo.match(/param\d+/)).once();            // was once called with arg matching regexp
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(2)).atLeast(2);                // was called with arg === 2 min two times
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).atMost(1);                 // was called with arg === 1 max one time
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(4)).never();                   // was never called with arg === 4

Call order verification

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let mockedBar:Bar = mock(Bar);

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
let bar:Bar = instance(mockedBar);

// Some calls

// Call order verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).calledBefore(mockedBar.getFoo(2));      // foo.getBar(1) has been called before bar.getFoo(2)
verify(mockedBar.getFoo(2)).calledAfter(mockedFoo.getBar(1));       // bar.getFoo(2) has been called before foo.getBar(1)
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).calledBefore(mockedBar.getFoo(999999)); // throws error (mockedBar.getFoo(999999) has never been called)

Throwing errors

let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

when(mockedFoo.getBar(10)).thenThrow(new Error('fatal error'));

let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
try {
} catch (error:Error) {
    console.log(error.message); // 'fatal error'

Custom function

You can also stub method with your own implementation

let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

when(mockedFoo.sumTwoNumbers(anyNumber(), anyNumber())).thenCall((arg1:number, arg2:number) => {
    return arg1 * arg2;

// prints '50' because we've changed sum method implementation to multiply!
console.log(foo.sumTwoNumbers(5, 10));

Resolving / rejecting promises

You can also stub method to resolve / reject promise

let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

when(mockedFoo.fetchData("a")).thenResolve({id: "a", value: "Hello world"});
when(mockedFoo.fetchData("b")).thenReject(new Error("b does not exist"));

Resetting mock calls

You can reset just mock call counter

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// Some calls
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).twice();      // getBar with arg "1" has been called twice

// Reset mock

// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).never();      // has never been called after reset

Resetting mock

Or reset mock call counter with all stubs

// Creating mock
let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// Getting instance
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// Some calls
console.log(foo.getBar(1));               // "one" - as defined in stub
console.log(foo.getBar(1));               // "one" - as defined in stub
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).twice();      // getBar with arg "1" has been called twice

// Reset mock

// Call count verification
verify(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).never();      // has never been called after reset
console.log(foo.getBar(1));               // null - previously added stub has been removed

Capturing method arguments

let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);
let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

// Call method
foo.sumTwoNumbers(1, 2);

// Check first arg captor values
const [firstArg, secondArg] = capture(mockedFoo.sumTwoNumbers).last();
console.log(firstArg);  // prints 1
console.log(secondArg); // prints 2

You can also get other calls using first(), second(), byCallIndex(3) and more...

Recording multiple behaviors

You can set multiple returning values for same matching values

const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);


const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// one
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// two
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// three
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// three - last defined behavior will be repeated infinitely

Another example with specific values

let mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

when(mockedFoo.getBar(1)).thenReturn('one').thenReturn('another one');

let foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// one
console.log(foo.getBar(2));	// two
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// another one
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// another one - this is last defined behavior for arg '1' so it will be repeated
console.log(foo.getBar(2));	// two
console.log(foo.getBar(2));	// two - this is last defined behavior for arg '2' so it will be repeated

Short notation:

const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// You can specify return values as multiple thenReturn args
when(mockedFoo.getBar(anyNumber())).thenReturn('one', 'two', 'three');

const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);

console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// one
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// two
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// three
console.log(foo.getBar(1));	// three - last defined behavior will be repeated infinity

Possible errors:

const mockedFoo:Foo = mock(Foo);

// When multiple matchers, matches same result:

const foo:Foo = instance(mockedFoo);
foo.getBar(3); // MultipleMatchersMatchSameStubError will be thrown, two matchers match same method call

Mocking types

You can mock abstract classes

const mockedFoo: SampleAbstractClass = mock(SampleAbstractClass);
const foo: SampleAbstractClass = instance(mockedFoo);

You can also mock generic classes, but note that generic type is just needed by mock type definition

const mockedFoo: SampleGeneric<SampleInterface> = mock(SampleGeneric);
const foo: SampleGeneric<SampleInterface> = instance(mockedFoo);

Spying on real objects

You can partially mock an existing instance:

const foo: Foo = new Foo();
const spiedFoo = spy(foo);


console.log(foo.getBar(3)); // 'one'
console.log(foo.getBaz());  // call to a real method

You can spy on plain objects too:

const foo = { bar: () => 42 };
const spiedFoo = spy(foo);


console.log(capture(spiedFoo.bar).last()); // [42]
