
Blog script powering aixxe.net.

Primary LanguagePHP



A basic Laravel-based blog script that leaves a lot to be desired - mainly available here so I don't accidentally lose the source code.


  1. Edit configuration values in the .env file.
  2. Edit nav.blade.php with various links.
  3. Edit footer.blade.php quotes and social links.
  4. Run php artisan migrate to create tables.
  5. Run gulp --production to copy and version assets.

Adding users

Currently users only exist to associate posts to authors. There are plans for commenting and a frontend for adding, editing and removing existing posts. Until then, you'll have to add posts and files manually.

$ php artisan tinker
>>> $user = new App\User;
>>> $user->name = "username";
>>> $user->display_name = "User Name";
>>> $user->email = "user@name.com";
>>> $user->password = bcrypt("password");
>>> $user->save()
=> true

Add tags to posts in the post_tag table.

Creating posts

You can use the initial BBcode-esque markup defined in config/parsers.php or just regular HTML. Make sure to wrap all paragraphs in [p][/p] tags.

Avatars, banners and uploads

  • User avatars should be placed in storage/app/public/avatars/ with a 32 character filename as a PNG.
  • Banner location depends on the type. In all cases the file should be stored as a JPG and the filename should contain up to 32 characters.
    • Tag banners are stored in storage/app/public/banners/tags/
    • Post banners are stored in storage/app/public/banners/posts/
    • User banners are stored in storage/app/public/banners/users/
    • MOTD backgrounds are stored in storage/app/public/banners/motd/
  • Uploads can reside anywhere but it's recommended to store any post related content in the storage/app/public/content/{post id}/ folder so that it can easily be referenced in the future.