Setup Instructions

To modify the DreamerV2 agent, clone the repository and follow the instructions below. There is also a Dockerfile available, in case you do not want to install the dependencies on your system.

Get dependencies:

pip3 install tensorflow==2.7.0 tensorflow_probability ruamel.yaml 
  • Follow the setup instructions on the customized Gym environment here to install gym

Train on Car Racing Environment:

python3 dreamerv2/ --logdir ~/logdir/carracing/dreamerv2/ \ --configs gym --task gym_car_racing --train_game_mode high_accel --eval_mode high_accel --train_map_id 0 --eval_map_id 0

These input parameters are as follows:

  • logdir: the directory to which you want logs to be outputted to
  • train_game_mode: for the CarRacing OpenAI train environment, these can be either "high_friction", "high_accel", or "slow_braking"
  • eval_game_mode: for the CarRacing OpenAI eval environment, these can be either "high_friction", "high_accel", or "slow_braking"
  • train_map_id: the random seed number for which the training map will be generated
  • eval_map_id: the random seed number for which the evaluation map will be generated

Customizations made can be found by looking at the commit history.