A Parking Lot system implementation in RESTful API
- ParkingSpace
- parking_lot_name: "default"
- spot_no
- is_reserved
- registraion_no
- Vehicle
- owner_id
- registraion_no
- User
- name
- can_use_reserved_space
- reason_for_reserve
- Booking
- booked_at
- registraion_no
- ParkingSpace
- User:
- embeds Vehicles
- embeds Bookings
- Used ES6 Wherever possible
/api/v1/parking_lots/init - For Initialing System (creates a parking lot with default name) /api/v1/parking_spaces/search - Generic Search API for getting all and occupied parking spaces /api/v1/users - Returns list of registered Users /api/v1/users/book - Books a Parking Space /api/v1/parking_spaces/park - Park a Vehicle /api/v1/parking_spaces/leave - Unpark a Vehicle
- Name of user is unique in a parking lot system
- Booking is not necessary to park the vehicle, if booking is found then logic works
- APIs the RESTful in nature, I tried to follow RESTful design as much as possible
- Accommodated if user has multiple vehicles
- Have stored metadata like created_at and updated_at
- Can create OpenAPI Specs (or Swagger API Specs)
- Can use Depedency Injection / IoC
- We can have a scheduler for cleanup for old bookings
- API result should be paginated
- Input Validations
- Can use TypeScript
- Handle CORS Headers
- Use denormalized form to store vehicles inside user document, but we could have separate vehicles decuments as well
- Can have a generic Exception (
) which accomodates all types of failures
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
# Using npm
npm install
# Using yarn
yarn add
# For Local Development
npm run dev
# On Production, Use pm2 or docker container
pm2 start src/app.js
# OR
node src/app.js
# Initialize the Parking Lot System
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/parking_lots/init -X POST
# Get All Parking Spaces
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/parking_spaces
# Get Occupied Parking Spaces
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/parking_spaces\?filter_by=occupied
# Get All Registered Users
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/users
# Create a booking
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/users/book -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Vijay", "registration_no": "123"}'
# Park a Vehicle
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/users/park -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Vijay", "registration_no": "123"}'
# Unpark a Vehicle
curl localhost:9000/api/v1/users/unpark -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"registration_no": "123"}'
- ParkingLot
- name
- capacity
- address
db.parking_spaces.update({ '_id': ObjectId('5f579e688d8deb218866c219')}, {'vehicle_id': ObjectId('5f579e688d8deb218866c219')})