This python3 script takes a CSV file (formatted like the testdata.csv
file) and the credentials from the credentials.ini
to query the wallabag v2 API with it.
It is meant as an alternative way to migrate from wallabag v1 to v2 when the amount of articles is too big and the v1 export functionality only delivers 0-byte-sized JSON files.
To get the CSV data you can export a CSV file from your wallabag v1 database with the help of a tools such as Adminer and the SQL command
SELECT `url`, `is_read`, `is_fav`
FROM `entries`
WHERE `user_id` = 'N'; # replace N by your actual user ID
After that you might need to convert the exported file from DOS to unix format with a command like
dos2unix sql.csv
You can also export a CSV file directly on the command line with this command:
export WB_USERID=1
mysql -e"
SELECT url, is_read, is_fav
FROM entries
WHERE user_id = ${WB_USERID}
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/wallabag-user-${WB_USERID}.csv'
LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';" wallabag
echo 'url,is_read,is_fav' > ./wallabag-user-${WB_USERID}.csv
cat /tmp/wallabag-user-${WB_USERID}.csv >> ./wallabag-user-${WB_USERID}.csv
sudo rm /tmp/wallabag-user-${WB_USERID}.csv # We need sudo here cuz mysqld wrote the file rather than our mysql CLI
The exported CSV needs to be in the same directory where the
To start the actual migration copy the credentials.ini.txt
and fill out the credentials.ini
cp credentials.ini.txt credentials.ini
host =
username = johndoe
password = s3cr3tp4ssw0rd
client_id = 1_yaifiil7ooyaezohne9nei4azoopieshoo8eicae0moh2eumi
c_secret = iquohme5naehee7ieg6ohsh0uo3aghaik3kiephi9jequoodoc
selfsigned = False
(you can get the client ID and secret by clicking on "developer" in your wallabag v2 and "create a new client" there, selfsigned
means if your TLS certificate is a self-signed one) and execute
./ sql.csv # replace sql.csv by the actual CSV file name
This process might last quite a long time when you many articles so I'd recommend running it in a terminal multiplexer. In my case it ended with
posted 1304 articles
finished successfully.
./ wallabag.csv 55,81s user 3,38s system 0% cpu 2:19:34,25 total