
A simple way to animate plots!

Primary LanguagePython


Create animated plots from .csv files

  • implemented in Python
  • graphical user interface in Flask
  • interpolation ensures smooth animations even for small datasets
  • returns .gif animation (ca. 10-15 seconds in duration)


Without GUI

(Python, matplotlib FuncAnimation)

  • run plot_class.py
  • required argument: filepath to .csv file
  • progress bar in command prompt

With GUI (Flask)


  • run Flask; application is in app.py
  • progress bar in command prompt
  • TODO: progress bar in GUI web interface

Example Plot 1

Format of .csv file

  • all standard delimiters are supported (, ; : | tab space)
  • if possible, column 0 should be an index
  • if the index is in datetime format, it should be in the Python datetime.datetime package format

Example Plot 2