Final Poject (TravelMatch) - On development process

We are two students of software engineering and this is our final project:

Guy Cohen -

Benel Aharon -

This project is on continues development and NOT finished yet, updates will be added from time to time.

Link to the project

The website is developed for Mobile usage only (For now...) so its not PC resposive!

<link> :

or download our app from: (In the future it will upload to google play)

How to use:

  • First you have to register to the website.
  • After that you have registered, you have to select category and sub-category.
  • When you see the places around you there is a "Find Match" button, if you click it, you will find all the people around you is selected this place either.
  • The match is began!

What is the project about?

The final distination is to build a PWA website with React that will display as application.

This application is going to match people abroad with similar interests (Like Resturants, Clubs, Bars, Attractions and more...).

for example:

I'm a traveler on Italy and I want to search for more israeli's thats want to go to specific bar or restaurant, with this application I will get the best match of travelers that has similiar interests like me and this application will connect us.

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.