An open source flight simulator for aerial drones written entirely in Python. This is currently a Linux-only project. baldr is an extension for the MORSE robotics simulator:
Here's a short video demonstration of v1.0:
Check out baldr's Wiki ( for developer information!
Install the required Python libraries if you don't already have them (the MORSE robotics simulator requires Python3):
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-scipy python3-numpy python3-matplotlib
Install MORSE with the command:
$ sudo apt-get install morse-simulator
. If you don't already have Blender, this should install it automatically. Use the default settings (ie. make the default folder for simulation files your Home folder). -
You need to create a simulation called "baldr" in MORSE. Do this with the command:
$ morse create baldr
. This will create a folder in your Home directory called ~/baldr with some MORSE simulation files in it, and it will also add a line to the ~/.morse/config file to identify the name "baldr" as a MORSE simulation. -
Clone this repository with
$ git clone
and replace all the contents of the new ~/baldr folder with the contents of the repository you just downloaded. -
To run the MORSE component of the simulator, use the command:
$ morse run baldr
To run the GUI component of the simulator, use the command:
$ python3 ~/baldr/scripts/