
homebrew formulae for system/161 and os/161

Primary LanguageRuby


Homebrew formulae for installing System/161 and an OS/161 cross-compiling toolchain on OS X.

Supported versions:

  • System/161 2.0.8
  • OS/161 2.0.2
    • Binutils 2.24+os161-2.1
    • GCC 4.8.3+os161-2.1
    • GDB 7.8+os161-2.1

These packages are downloaded from the official Harvard sources.

Quick start

With Homebrew installed, run

$ brew tap benesch/os161
$ brew install os161-toolchain

then follow the standard OS/161 spinup guide.

Detailed installation instructions

Homebrew tap

Install Homebrew from http://brew.sh if you don't have it already. Then, add this repository as a custom tap so Homebrew can find the OS161-specific formula:

$ brew tap benesch/os161


First, install the System/161 MIPS simulator.

$ brew install sys161

At this point, sys161 will be available in your PATH and runnable. A sample sys161.conf is installed to:



Then, you need a cross-compiling GCC capable of building executables for System/161:

$ brew install os161-gcc

This will install a GCC toolchain prefixed with mips-harvard-os161- into your PATH. This means that directly invoking GCC is rather annoying, as mips-harvard-os161-gcc is a lot to type. You'll rarely need to invoke the compiler directly, though; the OS/161 Makefiles will do this for you.


You'll almost certainly want a GDB capable of debugging executables built for System/161:

$ brew install os161-gdb

This installs mips-harvard-os161-gdb. Since you'll be invoking this command manually quite a bit, this automatically installs a shorter alias, os161-gdb.


To set up stock OS/161 in a nutshell:

# Obtain sources
$ wget http://os161.eecs.harvard.edu/download/os161-base-2.0.3.tar.gz
$ tar xf os161-base-2.0.3.tar.gz

# Build userland
$ cd os161-base-2.0.3
$ ./configure
$ bmake
$ bmake install

# Build kernel
$ cd kern/conf
$ ./config DUMBVM
$ cd ../compile/DUMBVM
$ bmake depend
$ bmake
$ bmake install

# Run kernel
$ cd ~/os161/root
$ cp /usr/local/share/examples/sys161/sys161.conf.sample sys161.conf
$ sys161 kernel

See the OS/161 guides and resources for next steps.