
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a step by step editor built on top of mathlive.

Open index.html to see a list of sample problems. Clicking on one of them will take you to the editor. Debug/index.html is for being able to debug mathlive code as well as this project's code and requires a few other files.


Benetech and its funding partners are developing this tool to benefit all kids, regardless of their abilities, to learn and do math.


To make the MathShare application work properly there is a need to run the MathShareBackend server first. To do so, please follow the instruction:

MathShare uses npm for a development process.

  • for Linux, install npm
sudo apt-get install npm

Backend server connection

By default the backend server url is defined as


For Windows with Docker the real url may be different - Docker (based on Virtual Machine) uses a different IP (eg. You can get the IP by opening Docker Quickstart Terminal - the URL should be displayed as a welcome message.

If the backend server url is different from the default one, there is a need to change it in src/config.js file. Please set the server url value as follows:

"serverUrl": "http://<backend server ip>:8080"

Building and running

To install all required dependencies use:

npm install

To run MathShare locally on port 8080 use:

npm start


npm run start


If you want to debug MathLive from its original sources, you need to put them into the root folder and run:

npm run debug

In this case, the application will use sources you've provided, assuming that the files structure is preserved (mathlive/src/mathlive.js as the main script).

Additionally, React requires quite different file paths, that those used the 'define' statement in the MathLive library. To use it properly,

  • replace mathlive/ in these statements to ./ in mathlive.js
  • replace mathlive/ to ../ in all js files from subdirectories

Note that from time to time, the debugger won't stop on the breakpoint in imported sources - in this case simply put debugger; at the line you want to stop, and the debugger should stop there. After that debugger should use this file normally and you can remove this line and use casual breakpoints.