
Qt Remote object sharing

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Qt Remote object sharing

This tool implements remote object sharing (Object Oriented RPC) in Qt. From a technical point of view it can compare with Java RMI or similar technologies. Neuron has an advanced signaling mechanism. A property change on a peer (server or client) will immediately signal a change on other peers. It can transfer every QVariant type (even QPixmap and complex types).

The Neuron project is a framework that performs remote method invocation on client/server shared objects, the object-oriented equivalent of remote procedure calls (RPC). With support for direct transfer of serialized c++ types and QObject based objects.


  • Simple to use
  • Client & Server peers and classes generator tool
  • Asynchronous and synchronous function calls
    • QML callback function
    • C++11 std::function callback
    • QMetaMethod callback
    • const *char for invoking on result
    • Asynchronous method call without response checking
    • Synchronous method call (with UI freez)
  • Remote event emit
  • Support all of QMetaType (include all classes delivered from QObject)
  • Simple error checking
  • Token based request validation
  • Single thread and multi thread server


There no document right now. Have a look at examples for an example on how to get started. The other examples in the examples folder cover the major features of the library.

How to use

Step1: Use peer-generator

First create a template document put your peer class code like that:

class User : public NeuronPeer {
	Q_PROPERTY(quint32 id)
	Q_PROPERTY(QString displayName)
	Q_PROPERTY(QImage avatar)
	void sendMessage(QString message);

Use peer-generator tool for creating User.cpp & User.h

    $peer-generator template.h

Step 2: Write codes

Client code
User *p = new User(this);
p->connectToHost("", 8010);
p->sendMessage("Hello Neuron");
Server code
NeuronServer *serverManager = new NeuronServer(8010, this);
connect(serverManager, &NeuronServer::peerConnected, this, [this] (NeuronPeer *p) {
    User *user = qobject_cast<User*>(p);
    qDebug() << "New player connected to server";

    connect(user, &User::sendMessageSignal, this, [this] (QString message) {
        qDebug() << "New message from a player;" << message;

Nothing more! All done.