
[DEPRECATED] Tailwind CSS plugin to generate animation utilities

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Tailwind CSS 1.6 (released in July 2020) has animation utilities built-in, so I am discontinuing this plugin. Feel free to fork it if you want, but I recommend migrating to Tailwind’s official solution and write custom utilities for animation-duration and other specific properties when needed.

Animations Plugin for Tailwind CSS


This plugin requires Tailwind CSS 1.2 or later. If your project uses an older version of Tailwind, you should install the latest 1.x version of this plugin (npm install tailwindcss-animations@1.x).


npm install tailwindcss-animations


// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    animations: { // defaults to {}; the following are examples
      'spin': {
        from: {
          transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
        to: {
          transform: 'rotate(360deg)',
      'jump': {
        '0%': {
          transform: 'translateY(0%)',
        '50%': {
          transform: 'translateY(-100%)',
        '100%': {
          transform: 'translateY(0%)',
    animationDuration: { // defaults to these values
      'default': '1s',
      '0s': '0s',
      '1s': '1s',
      '2s': '2s',
      '3s': '3s',
      '4s': '4s',
      '5s': '5s',
    animationTimingFunction: { // defaults to these values
      'default': 'ease',
      'linear': 'linear',
      'ease': 'ease',
      'ease-in': 'ease-in',
      'ease-out': 'ease-out',
      'ease-in-out': 'ease-in-out',
    animationDelay: { // defaults to these values
      'default': '0s',
      '0s': '0s',
      '1s': '1s',
      '2s': '2s',
      '3s': '3s',
      '4s': '4s',
      '5s': '5s',
    animationIterationCount: { // defaults to these values
      'default': 'infinite',
      'once': '1',
      'infinite': 'infinite',
    animationDirection: { // defaults to these values
      'default': 'normal',
      'normal': 'normal',
      'reverse': 'reverse',
      'alternate': 'alternate',
      'alternate-reverse': 'alternate-reverse',
    animationFillMode: { // defaults to these values
      'default': 'none',
      'none': 'none',
      'forwards': 'forwards',
      'backwards': 'backwards',
      'both': 'both',
    animationPlayState: { // defaults to these values
      'running': 'running',
      'paused': 'paused',
  variants: { // all the following default to ['responsive']
    animations: ['responsive'],
    animationDuration: ['responsive'],
    animationTimingFunction: ['responsive'],
    animationDelay: ['responsive'],
    animationIterationCount: ['responsive'],
    animationDirection: ['responsive'],
    animationFillMode: ['responsive'],
    animationPlayState: ['responsive'],
  plugins: [

The above configuration would generate the following CSS:

/* @tailwind base */

/* base styles for the default animation duration, timing function, delay, iteration count, direction, and fill mode (when they differ from the CSS defaults) */
*, *::before, *::after {
  --animation-duration: 1s;
  --animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  /* when the default timing function is a value other than "ease": */
  --animation-timing-function: [default-timing-function];
  /* when the default delay is a value other than zero: */
  --animation-delay: [default-delay];
  /* when the default direction is a value other than "normal": */
  --animation-direction: [default-direction];
  /* when the default fill mode is a value other than "none": */
  --animation-fill-mode: [default-fill-mode];

/* configurable with the "animations" theme object */
@keyframes spin {
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);
@keyframes jump {
  0% {
    transform: translateY(0%);
  50% {
    transform: translateY(-100%);
  100% {
    transform: translateY(0%);

/* @tailwind utilities */

.animation-none {
  animation-name: none;
.animation-spin {
  animation-name: spin;
  animation-duration: 1s;
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);
.animation-jump {
  animation-name: jump;
  animation-duration: 1s;
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);
.animation-[name] {
  animation-name: [name];
  /* when the default duration is a value other than zero: */
  animation-duration: [default-duration];
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
  /* when the default timing function is a value other than "ease": */
  animation-timing-function: [default-timing-function];
  animation-timing-function: var(--animation-timing-function);
  /* when the default delay is a value other than zero: */
  animation-delay: [default-delay];
  animation-delay: var(--animation-delay);
  /* when the default iteration count is a value other than "1": */
  animation-iteration-count: [default-iteration-count];
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);
  /* when the default direction is a value other than "normal": */
  animation-direction: [default-direction];
  animation-direction: var(--animation-direction);
  /* when the default fill mode is a value other than "none": */
  animation-fill-mode: [default-fill-mode];
  animation-fill-mode: var(--animation-fill-mode);

/* configurable with the "animationDuration" theme object */
.animation-0s {
  --animation-duration: 0s;
  animation-duration: 0s;
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
.animation-1s {
  --animation-duration: 1s;
  animation-duration: 1s;
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);
.animation-[duration-key] {
  animation-duration: [duration-value];
  /* when the default duration is a value other than zero: */
  --animation-duration: [duration-value];
  animation-duration: var(--animation-duration);

/* configurable with the "animationTimingFunction" theme object */
.animation-linear {
  animation-timing-function: linear;
.animation-ease {
  animation-timing-function: ease;
.animation-[timing-function-key] {
  animation-timing-function: [timing-function-value];
  /* when the default timing function is a value other than "ease": */
  --animation-timing-function: [timing-function-value];
  animation-timing-function: var(--animation-timing-function);

/* configurable with the "animationDelay" theme object */
.animation-delay-0s {
  animation-delay: 0s;
.animation-delay-1s {
  animation-delay: 1s;
.animation-delay-[key] {
  animation-delay: [value];
  /* when the default delay is a value other than zero: */
  --animation-delay: [value];
  animation-delay: var(--animation-delay);

/* configurable with the "animationIterationCount" theme object */
.animation-once {
  --animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);
.animation-infinite {
  --animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);
.animation-[iteration-count-key] {
  animation-iteration-count: [iteration-count-value];
  /* when the default iteration count is a value other than "1": */
  --animation-iteration-count: [iteration-count-value];
  animation-iteration-count: var(--animation-iteration-count);

/* configurable with the "animationDirection" theme object */
.animation-normal {
  animation-direction: normal;
.animation-reverse {
  animation-direction: reverse;
.animation-[direction-key] {
  animation-direction: [direction-value];
  /* when the default direction is a value other than "normal": */
  --animation-direction: [direction-value];
  animation-direction: var(--animation-direction);

/* configurable with the "animationFillMode" theme object */
.animation-fill-none {
  animation-fill-mode: none;
.animation-fill-forwards {
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
.animation-fill-[key] {
  animation-fill-mode: [value];
  /* when the default fill mode is a value other than "none": */
  --animation-fill-mode: [value];
  animation-fill-mode: var(--animation-fill-mode);

/* configurable with the "animationPlayState" theme object */
.animation-running {
  animation-play-state: running;
.animation-paused {
  animation-play-state: paused;

Note: The animationDuration, animationTimingFunction, animationDelay, animationIterationCount, animationDirection, and animationFillMode theme objects accept a default key that doesn’t generate any class; it is used to define a custom property on all elements and pseudo-elements (*, *::before, *::after) if the value differs from the CSS-defined default. These custom properties are then used to set actual properties on elements that have a animation-[name] class, so that you don’t have to specify the same classes every time.