Bowling Challenge

Screenshot of my app


My task was to build a JavaScript programme to count and score a one player game of bowling.

I decided to bite off more than I could chew and do the whole on a react/node.js technology stack, which included Redux for the state management (a concept I totally understand fully (...)) and Jest for the tests - love Jest, Jest is awesome. I'm still loving Semantic UI, so I used that too which has a full react version.

Please forgive me my transgressions. As the redux loop of view, actions, reducers and store were new to me I played with it for a while (read: didn't write tests)... So my test coverage sucks, sorry about that. The tests for src/stores/frameStore is good though, so look at them.

Installation and set-up

  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Open the directory:
cd bowling-challenge
  1. Install Yarn (though I think it all works with NPM as well): This will also install Node.js if already installed.
brew install yarn
  1. Install all the packages required for the project:
yarn install
  1. Run the tests (if you have to):
yarn test
  1. Then run the server...:
yarn start