
Flexible HTTP command line stress tester for websites and web services

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Pewpew Workflow Go Report Card Coveralls branch GoDoc

Pewpew is a flexible command line HTTP stress tester. Unlike other stress testers, it can hit multiple targets with multiple configurations, simulating real world load and bypassing caches.

Disclaimer: Pewpew is designed as a tool to help those developing web services and websites. Please use responsibly.



  • Multiple modes for measuring servers
  • Regular expression defined targets
  • Multiple simultaneous targets
  • No runtime dependencies, single binary file
  • Statistics on timing, data transferred, status codes, and more
  • Export raw data as TSV and/or JSON for analysis, graphs, etc.
  • HTTP2 support
  • IPV6 support
  • Tons of command line and/or config file options (arbitrary headers, cookies, User-Agent, timeouts, ignore SSL certs, HTTP authentication, Keep-Alive, DNS prefetch, and more)


Pre-compiled binaries for Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD are available on Releases.

If you want to get the latest or build from source: install Go 1.11+ and either go get github.com/bengadbois/pewpew or git clone this repo.


Pewpew features two independent modes: stress and benchmark.

Stress mode (pewpew stress) sends requests as fast as the server can respond (limited by concurrency). This mode is usually best for answering questions such as "how fast can the server return 1000 requests?", "will the server ever OOM?", "can I get the server to 503?", and more related to overloading.

Benchmark mode (pewpew benchmark) sends requests at a fixed rate (requests per second). This mode is usually best for anwering questions such as "how much traffic can the server handle before latency surprasses 1 second?", "if traffic to the server is rate limited to 100 rps, will there by any 503s?", and other measurable controlled traffic tests.


pewpew stress -n 50 www.example.com

Make 50 requests to http://www.example.com

pewpew benchmark --rps 100 --duration 60 www.example.com

For 60 seconds, send 100 requests each second to www.example.com

pewpew stress -X POST --body '{"hello": "world"}' -n 100 -c 5 -t 2.5s -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip, Content-Type:application/json" https://www.example.com:443/path localhost

Make request to each of the three targets https://www.example.com:443/path, http://localhost,

  • 100 requests total requests per target (300 total)
  • 5 concurrent requests per target (15 simultaneous)
  • POST with body {"hello": "world"}
  • Two headers: Accept-Encoding:gzip and Content-Type:application/json
  • Each request times out after 2.5 seconds

For the full list of command line options, run pewpew help or pewpew help stress

Using Regular Expression Targets

Pewpew supports using regular expressions (Perl syntax) to nondeterministically generate targets.

pewpew stress -r "localhost/pages/[0-9]{1,3}"

This example will generate target URLs such as:

pewpew stress -r "localhost/pages/[0-9]+\?cache=(true|false)(\&referrer=[0-9]{3})?"

This example will generate target URLs such as:


Note: dots in IP addresses must be escaped, such as pewpew stress -r "http://127\.0\.0\.1:8080/api/user/[0-9]{1,3}"

Using Config Files

Pewpew supports complex configurations more easily managed with a config file. You can define one or more targets each with their own settings.

By default, Pewpew looks for a config file in the current directory and named pewpew.json or pewpew.toml. If found, Pewpew can be run like:

pewpew stress

There are examples config files in examples/.

Pewpew allows combining config file and command line settings, to maximize flexibility. Pewpew uses https://github.com/spf13/viper and follows its rules of config precedence.

Other Options

The full list of options for each command can be viewed by running Pewpew with the --help flag.

Using as a Go library

package main

import (

    pewpew "github.com/bengadbois/pewpew/lib"

func main() {
    stressCfg := pewpew.StressConfig{
        Count:       1,
        Concurrency: 1,
        Verbose:     false,
        Targets: []pewpew.Target{{
            URL: "",
            Options: pewpew.TargetOptions{
                Timeout: "2s",
                Method:  "GET",
                Body:    `{"field": "data", "work": true}`,

    output := os.Stdout
    stats, err := pewpew.RunStress(stressCfg, output)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("pewpew stress failed:  %s", err.Error())

    fmt.Printf("%+v", stats)

Full package documentation at godoc.org


If you receive a lot of "socket: too many open files" errors while running many concurrent requests, try increasing your ulimit.