
Various utilities for the Google WiFi router.

Primary LanguageGo

Google Wifi Dump

googlewifidump will download, parse, and print a JSON version of the Google Wifi diagnostic report. It's a command from the googlewifi Go package.

This repo has been updated to read the new protobuf output from the Google Wifi pucks. Not sure if it works for the OnHub version.


go get github.com/bengalaviz/googlewifi/cmd/googlewifidump



This returns a JSON dump of the data from

If you use a different subnet for your router:


If you want to run against a local, already downloaded dump:

googlewifidump ./path/to/diagnostic-report

You will likely want to either save a copy of the diagnostic report or save a copy of the parsed output from googlewifidump rather than re-running the command as generating the report takes a few seconds each time.

curl -o diagnostic-report
googlewifidump ./diagnostic-report


googlewifidump > diagnostic-report.json

Use the jq tool to format and manipulate output on the command line.


googlewifidump | jq

Buffered report:

curl -o diagnostic-report
googlewifidump ./diagnostic-report | jq

Buffered output:

onhubdump > diagnostic-report.json
jq < diagnostic-report.json

I have included a script (getInfo.sh) that will try and fix the infoJSON output and make it valid JSON. Make sure the output binary is in your path before running.

Then use hjson tool to correct the JSON so jq can read it.

hjson -j final.json | jq '.'

hjson -j final.json | jq '.network_service_state.station_state_updates | .[] | .station_state_update'