
PoC OTel implementation with services written in Go

Primary LanguageGo


PoC OTel implementation with services written in Go



Inside the src/ directory, create a .env file that matches the .env.example file. The contents can be identical to those in the .env.example file.


Within the environment entry for each service defined in the src/docker-compose.yml file, there are three entries (TRACES_EXPORTER, METRICS_EXPORTER, LOGS_EXPORTER) for configuring how various telemetry types get exported. All three entries can take one of the following values:

  1. otel: Export telemetry for this type to the collector service (which sends all received telemetry to its own stdout and Datadog by default).
  2. stdout: Export telemetry for this type to stdout of the container that this service is running on.
  3. noop: Do not export telemetry for this type anywhere.


If the environment definition for your entrypoint_service looked like this in docker-compose.yml:

      - TRACES_EXPORTER=otel
      - METRICS_EXPORTER=stdout
      - LOGS_EXPORTER=noop

Then traces for entrypoint_service would be sent to the collector instance, metrics would just be logged to stdout of the entrypoint_service, and logs would be silenced entirely.


Run docker compose up --build from inside the src/ directory.


The entrypoint service has several public endpoints that can be accessed via:

curl http://localhost:5000/<ENDPOINT>

A full list of current endpoints for the entrypoint_service:

  • /: Log a hello message and increment a meter that tracks how many requests have been made to /
  • /basicA: Send a random number to the /basicRequest API for service_a, which immediately returns the number back to the entrypoint_service.
  • /basicB: Same as above, but for service_b.
  • /chainedA: Send a random number to the /chainedRequest API for service_a, which adds another random number to it, sends the result to service_b, who adds another random number to it before sending the result back to the entrypoint_service.
  • /chainedAsyncA: Send a random number to the /chainedAsyncRequest API for service_a, which adds another random number to it. service_a then asynchronously calls the /chainedRequest API for service_b, and immediately returns a success message to the entrypoint_service. This API demonstrates manual trace propagation, where the trace ID for an incoming request must be extracted and used for a new context. The code for this is in the newContext() function of service_a.
  • /inlineTraceEx: Send a random number to the /addNumber API for service_a, which adds another random number to it and returns the result. On the entrypoint_service, one of two inline spans are created: one if the returned number is less than or equal to 5, and another otherwise. This API demonstrates how to manually create traces inside of application code, as opposed to the automatic instrumentation that is used elsewhere in this repository.

None of them do anything particularly interesting and are only intended to demonstrate various aspects of OTel instrumentation.


  • Write docs on how to configure existing instrumentation (e.g. send telemetry to collector vs service stdout vs noop)