
While developing a system that makes use of logs, metrics, and traces reporting with OpenTelemetry, it is generally useful to switch the reporting destination for each telemetry type between stdout, a collector instance, and silencing them altogether. This library allows for the exporter for each of these telemetry types to be determined by a single flag (which in the host application can be set via an environment variable or configuration parameter).


To configure telemetry for some type, OpenTelemetry requires that you first define an exporter, which is then passed to a provider. The configured provider instance is then set globally to intercept and format messages before being sent to their reporting destination.

Each module of this library provides two functions: GetExporter and GetProvider. The GetExporter function is only needed if you are configuring your own provider instance. Otherwise, the GetProvider function is sufficient on its own.

Below, usage instructions are provided for each of the 3 telemetry types:


I have only configured OTel logs alongside the zap logging framework, but the procedure for other frameworks or the default log library should be analogous to the following:

import (

lp, lpErr := logshandler.GetLogProvider(os.Getenv("LOGS_EXPORTER"), "my-service")
logger := zap.New(otelzap.NewOtelCore(lp))

In the above code, the environment variable LOGS_EXPORTER can be set to either stdout, otel, or noop, and a corresponding provider instance will be returned. Logs can then be made via:

otelzap.Ctx(<some-context>).Info("hello from my-service")


To configure OTel metrics:

import (

mp, mpErr := metricshandler.GetMeterProvider(os.Getenv("METRICS_EXPORTER"), "my-service")

Metrics can then be recorded in the normal ways, and output will be sent to whichever reporting destination you configured via the METRICS_EXPORTER environment variable above.


To configure OTel traces:

tp, tpErr := traceshandler.GetTracerProvider(os.Getenv("TRACES_EXPORTER"), ServiceName)
textPropagator := propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(propagation.TraceContext{})

Traces are a unique case because we typically want to propagate trace context across API endpoints, in order to enable visualization tooling like flame graphs. To accomplish this, you just need to pass the current context along with any HTTP requests, and extract the request context from any API endpoint handlers.