
This repo contains the projects and notes taken from the courses watched to learn technologies such as react next.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project 1 - Movie List

In this project, a movie page was tried to be made. Movies can be added, deleted or edited on this page.

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Project 2 - BookFolio

Context API concept was learned by taking this project as an example. Below is how the application works.


Project 3 - Employee Management

CRUD operations were performed. Learned to use hooks. The concept of LocalStorage was learned and implemented. You can learn from the project commits what all the other issues that are focused on are. Below is how the application works.

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Project 5 - Movie App with Next.js

This project was written to learn the next.js framework. At the same time, Tailwind CSS is used. The "themoviedb.org" site was used for the API.

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Project 7 - Weather App

In this project, useState hook has been used and api operations have been made. At the same time, "react accordion component" and "react-select-async-paginate" third part libraries are used. API provided from openweathermap and rapidapi.


Project 8 - Notes App


Project 9 - Landing Page Project with Next.js

Animation was made by using framer-motion library. Additionally, we learned how to use the useInview hook. The application is written in tailwind so that it is compatible with different screen sizes and there will be changes in the menu bar and screen design accordingly. On the Nextjs side, page redirection, opening another new tab when clicking the link, and using link and img components are fulfilled. ezgif com-video-to-gif