Windows 101 Command Line Cheat Sheet

1)dir - Lists the files and folders in the current directory.

Example: dir

2)cd - Changes the current directory.

Example: cd Documents

3)mkdir - Creates a new directory.

Example: mkdir new_folder

4)rmdir - Deletes an empty directory.

Example: rmdir empty_folder

5)del - Deletes a file.

Example: del file.txt

6)copy - Copies a file or files.

Example: copy file.txt new_location

7)xcopy - Copies files and folders including subdirectories.

Example: xcopy source_folder destination_folder /s

8)move - Moves a file or files.

Example: move file.txt new_location

6)ren - Renames a file or folder.

Example: ren file.txt new_name.txt

6)cls - Clears the command prompt screen.

Example: cls

9)ipconfig - Shows the IP configuration of the computer.

Example: ipconfig

10)ping - Sends a test packet to a specified network address.

Example: ping

11)netstat - Shows active network connections and their status.

Example: netstat

12)tasklist - Lists all running processes.

Example: tasklist

13)taskkill - Terminates a running process.

Example: taskkill /im notepad.exe

14)shutdown - Shuts down the computer.

Example: shutdown /s /t 0 (this will shut down the computer immediately)

15)net user - Show or manage user accounts, and list the current logged on users.

Example: net user

16)net localgroup - show or manage local groups on a computer.

Example : net localgroup

17)systeminfo - displays information about the local computer configuration.

Example: systeminfo

18)fsutil - Perform various file system operations.

Example: fsutil file createnew largefile.txt 100000000

19)cmd - Launches a new Command Prompt.

Example: cmd

20)ver - Displays the version of Windows.

Example: ver

21)systeminfo - Displays information about the computer, such as the processor, memory, and operating system.

Example: systeminfo

22)attrib - Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories.

Example: attrib +h hidden_file.txt

23)robocopy - Copies files and folders, including subdirectories, more advanced and faster than xcopy.

Example: robocopy source_folder destination_folder /e