
benchmark for distributed, multi-thread test of Gluster libgfapi performance

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benchmark for distributed, multi-thread test of Gluster libgfapi performance

This page describes a new benchmark for measuring small-file performance with libgfapi. As libgfapi is increasingly used for Gluster applications, questions have arisen about metadata-intensive workload performance with libgfapi and how this scales with bricks, libgfapi instances, etc. This benchmark takes advantage of the similarity between libgfapi and POSIX interfaces so that the same tests can be run either with libgfapi or in a POSIX filesystem (example: Gluster FUSE mountpoint). This makes it easy to compare libgfapi performance with FUSE or XFS performance, for example.

This may be the best way to get RDMA to perform well with Gluster as well. RDMA is based on avoiding data copies between the application and the kernel, but the FUSE (Filesystem in User SpacE) implementation of glusterfs forces data copies between the application and the glusterfs FUSE mountpoint process. By using libgfapi, an application can bypass these copies.

  • low-level test program

The "C" program that runs in each process is gfapi_perf_test.c . You can run this program by itself. The command line syntax is a little odd because it uses environment variables. This is less user-friendly but also easier in some ways. For example, you don't have to keep entering the same parameters. To compile, see the command at the top of the program.

To print out environment variables that it supports:

# ./gfapi_perf_test -h
usage: ./gfapi_perf_test
environment variables may be inserted at front of command or exported
defaults are in parentheses
DEBUG (0 means off)     - print everything the program does
GFAPI_VOLNAME           - Gluster volume to use
GFAPI_HOSTNAME          - Gluster server participating in the volume
GFAPI_TRANSPORT (tcp)   - transport protocol to use, can be tcp or rdma
GFAPI_PORT (24007)      - port number to connect to
GFAPI_RECSZ (64)        - I/O transfer size (i.e. record size) to use
GFAPI_FSZ (1M)          - file size
GFAPI_BASEDIR(/tmp)     - directory for this thread to use
GFAPI_LOAD (seq-wr)     - workload to apply, can be one of seq-wr, seq-rd, rnd-wr, rnd-rd, unlink, seq-rdwrmix
GFAPI_IOREQ (0 = all)   - for random workloads , how many requests to issue
GFAPI_DIRECT (0 = off)  - force use of O_DIRECT even for sequential reads/writes
GFAPI_FUSE (0 = false)  - if true, use POSIX (through FUSE) instead of libgfapi
GFAPI_TRCLVL (0 = none) - trace level specified in glfs_set_logging
GFAPI_FILES (100)       - number of files to access
GFAPI_STARTING_GUN (none) - touch this file to begin test after all processes are started
GFAPI_STARTING_GUN_TIMEOUT (60) - each thread waits this many seconds for starting gun file before timing out
GFAPI_FILES_PER_DIR (1000) - maximum files placed in a leaf directory
GFAPI_APPEND (0)        - if 1, then append to existing file, instead of creating it
GFAPI_OVERWRITE (0)     - if 1, then overwrite existing file, instead of creating it
GFAPI_PREFIX (none)     - insert string in front of filename
GFAPI_USEC_DELAY_PER_FILE (0) - if non-zero, then sleep this many microseconds after each file is accessed
GFAPI_FSYNC_AT_CLOSE (0) - if 1, then issue fsync() call on file before closing

To run a short test on the subdirectory "mytmpdir" within a Gluster volume "demo" served by host gprfs024-10ge:

# GFAPI_VOLNAME=demo GFAPI_HOSTNAME=gprfs024-10ge GFAPI_BASEDIR=/mytmpdir ./gfapi_perf_test

In this program, it creates subdirectories and puts no more than GFAPI_FILES_PER_DIR files in each subdirectory. This allows you to create more files per thread.

FIXME: It needs an extra level of directories to run really long tests.

  • parallel multi-client test script

The parallel_gfapi_test.sh script launches a multi-threaded, distributed test using the above program. Someday it may switch to using fio with the libgfapi engine developed by Huamin Chen, but for now it's simpler to do it this way. Environment variables supported by this script are in comments at top of the script. You may need to edit a few the lines in the script above the comment NO EDITABLE PARAMETERS BELOW THIS LINE.

Here's a sample run:

# env | grep PGFAPI
# PGFAPI_MOUNTPOINT=/mnt/test PGFAPI_PROCESSES=1 bash ./parallel_gfapi_test.sh
volume name: test2
Gluster server in the volume:
workload: seq-wr
list of clients in file: clients.list
record size (KB): 64
file size (KB): 4
files per thread: 10240
processes per client: 1
threads per process: 1
test driver glusterfs mountpoint: /mnt/test
top directory within Gluster volume: /gfapi-test
each thread (process) runs program at: /root/parallel-libgfapi/gfapi_perf_test
log files for each libgfapi process at /tmp/parallel_gfapi_logs.12266
starting gun timeout = 10
removing any previous files
Thu Sep 25 11:16:24 EDT 2014: starting 1 clients ... perf88 
ls: cannot access /mnt/test//gfapi-test/*.ready: No such file or directory
Thu Sep 25 11:16:30 EDT 2014: clients are all ready
Thu Sep 25 11:16:30 EDT 2014 : clients should all start running within a few seconds
per-thread results in /tmp/parallel_gfapi_logs.12266/result.csv
transfer-rate: 1.0 MBytes/s
file-rate:  1.0 files/sec
IOPS: IOPS: 1.0 requests/sec