
Makefile generator in pure python dsl

Primary LanguagePython


A makefile generator using pure-python. This gives you full access to python functions, libraries, and variables, without a constrained DSL like cmake or bazel. Target dependency management is designed to be as explicit as possible (e.g. no global cmake compile options).


alias pmake='python builder.py'
pmake . # runs with make.py
make all

Example python makescript

hello_project = project('hello')

hello = cpp.executable(project.name)
if project.mode == 'release':
hello.add_options('-Wall -Werror')

hello_project += hello

Supported features

  • project scoping
  • c++ object files, executables, shared and static libraries
  • custom compile options & defines
  • compiler/c++ version config
  • Easy functions for setting optimization level, adding debug symbols
  • Pre/Post build shell functions
  • Build modes (e.g. debug vs release)
  • Cross-platform support (needs testing)
  • Custom install path
  • Build subdirectories
  • Custom targets as shell functions

TODO features

  • Support build folders
  • find_package
  • Support for more languages