
Easy, expressive, trainable graph computation for torch

Primary LanguageLua


I prefer torch7 over similar libraries for almost everything, but sometimes miss theano's expressiveness, especially when constructing complex models like RNN's with LSTM units. symtorch brings expressive and trainable graph computation to torch. symtorch doesn't copy theano's symbolic tensors/computations because I'm not a huge fan of that.

Yes, I know torch/nngraph exists, but I think comparing LSTM examples in nngraph and symtorch will illustrate why I like symtorch.

LSTM's with nngraph, taken from wojzaremba/lstm:

local function lstm(i, prev_c, prev_h)
  local function new_input_sum()
    local i2h            = nn.Linear(params.rnn_size, params.rnn_size)
    local h2h            = nn.Linear(params.rnn_size, params.rnn_size)
    return nn.CAddTable()({i2h(i), h2h(prev_h)})
  local in_gate          = nn.Sigmoid()(new_input_sum())
  local forget_gate      = nn.Sigmoid()(new_input_sum())
  local in_gate2         = nn.Tanh()(new_input_sum())
  local next_c           = nn.CAddTable()({
    nn.CMulTable()({forget_gate, prev_c}),
    nn.CMulTable()({in_gate,     in_gate2})
  local out_gate         = nn.Sigmoid()(new_input_sum())
  local next_h           = nn.CMulTable()({out_gate, nn.Tanh()(next_c)})
  return next_c, next_h

Likewise, LSTM's with symtorch are written exactly like the equations tell us:

local symtorch = require 'symtorch'
local sigmoid = symtorch.sigmoid
local tanh = symtorch.tanh

local LSTM = Class {
   __init__ = function(self, input, hidden, output)
      self.input_size  = input
      self.hidden_size = hidden
      self.output_size = output

      self.W_xi = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, input):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.W_hi = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, hidden):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.b_i  = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1)
      self.W_xf = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, input):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.W_hf = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, hidden):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.b_f  = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1)
      self.W_xc = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, input):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.W_hc = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, hidden):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.b_c  = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1)
      self.W_xo = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, input):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.W_ho = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, hidden):rand(0, 0.08)
      self.b_o  = symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1)
      self.W_od = symtorch.Tensor(output, hidden):rand(0, 0.08) -- output decoder
      self.b_od = symtorch.Tensor(output, 1)

      self.prev_h = {}
      self.prev_c = {}
      for i = 1, input do
         table.insert(self.prev_h, symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1))
         table.insert(self.prev_c, symtorch.Tensor(hidden, 1))

   forward = function(self, input)
      -- Modeled after http://arxiv.org/pdf/1411.4555v1.pdf
      -- Equations 4-8

      local function step(i, x_t, prev_h, prev_c)
         local i_t = sigmoid(self.W_xi:dot(x_t) + self.W_hi:dot(prev_h) + self.b_i)                   -- (4)
         local f_t = sigmoid(self.W_xf:dot(x_t) + self.W_hf:dot(prev_h) + self.b_f)                   -- (5)
         local c_t = f_t * prev_c + i_t * tanh(self.W_xc:dot(x_t) + self.W_hc:dot(prev_h) + self.b_c) -- (6)
         local o_t = sigmoid(self.W_xo:dot(x_t) + self.W_ho:dot(prev_h) + self.b_o)                   -- (7)
         local h_t = o_t * tanh(c_t)                                                                  -- (8)
         self.prev_h[i] = h_t
         self.prev_c[i] = c_t
         return h_t, c_t

      local res = symtorch.scan{
         fn = step,
         sequences = {input, self.prev_h, self.prev_c}
      local final = res[#res][1]
      return self.W_od:dot(final) + self.b_od

This is still a work in progress, thus thoughts, feedback, and contributions are very welcome! I think the code should be more self-explanatory than the giant and impressive compiler theano. Convolutions, max pooling, and some other operations are written in C and called via LuaJIT FFI. I am currently writing a neural network library on top of symtorch, symnn.


> (sudo) luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benglard/luaclass/master/luaclass-scm-1.rockspec
> (sudo) luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benglard/luaimport/master/luaimport-scm-1.rockspec
> (sudo) luarocks install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/benglard/symtorch/master/symtorch-scm-1.rockspec