
Can't seem to get Avatar to pickup Avatar.options settings

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, great package!

Avatar does not seem to pickup any settings.

I have the following in a /client folder :

Meteor.startup(function () {
    Avatar.options = {
        //emailHashProperty: 'email_hash',
        defaultType: "initials",
        defaultAvatarUrl: '/assets/img/avatar.png',
        gravatarDefault: 'identicon',
        //serverBaseUrl: ''

My avatars default to images.
Also I see a 404s in the console:
9342a3f23c9501393019a3236e2cbbda:1 GET 404 (Not Found)

Any ideas?

Make sure you read the README carefully, specifically this part:
If defaultType is 'initials', then the gravatar URL should return 404 if no gravatar is found in order to show initials.

I realize the config options are confusing. Check out my comments on issue #24 for some historical perspective and more explanation.