Generate random log-normal realizations of galaxy catalogs
Author: Ben Granett
Dependencies: CLASS is called to generate the model power spectrum ( Numpy, scipy, pandas, healpy and pyaml are also required.
The command line program may be installed by running the setup file: python install
A command line executable is installed called synmock
- Generate a catalog in a cube with side length 2048 Mpc/h
synmock --box 2048 --cellsize 8 --nbar 1e-3 --nreal 1 --out lncat.txt
- Generate a catalog projected on the sky with an angular mask and radial selection function. The observer is put at the center of the box.
synmock --nofz cmass_nofz.txt --mask cmass_mask.txt --box 4096 --cellsize 16 --nreal 1 --out lncat.txt