
My blog, built from Jekyll with some extra muscle provided via Gulp.

Primary LanguageCSS

The Blog of Matt Bengston

This is the source for my blog, located at aesinv.com. It runs on Jekyll, a static-site generator, with added development functionality via Gulp. You can read up on the implementation of Gulp on this blog post.


  • Bower: Front end dependency manager (full integration still WIP)
  • Gulp: Workflow automation and task management
  • Node.js / NPM: JS Runtime for Gulp and Gulp dependency management

Project Setup

  • Make sure Node.js and NPM is installed locally
  • Make sure you've gone through and followed the Jekyll Installation Guide, and have Ruby and RubyGems installed on your machine
  • Clone/fork project locally
    • git clone <repo url> .
  • Ensure Gulp is installed
    • npm install -g gulp
  • Ensure Bower is installed
    • npm install -g bower
  • Install NPM package and dependencies
    • npm install

Project Workflow

gulp build:assets

Concatenates, minifies, and optimizes all site JavaScript, runs the Jekyll-built stylesheet through an auto-prefixer and minifier, then optimizes all published images within the /project/img/ directory.

gulp serve

Creates a local server via Browsersync, runs the Jekyll build, runs the build-assets task, then watches for any changes within the /project/ directory. Rebuilds necessary files and refreshes the Browsersync server on changes.

gulp deploy

Runs the Jekyll build with the production config file, then runs the build-assets task to build and optimize all site assets.

Project Structure

_dist: Auto-generated built website
bower_components: Front end dependencies
gulp-tasks: Gulp task module files
project: Main project source
    - _assets: Excluded asset files
    - _data: Well formatted site data to be loaded into the site.data global
    - _drafts: Unfinished and unpublished posts
    - _includes: Partials that can be used by other partials as well as layouts
        + components: Components that make up other components and partials
        + custom: Feeds and other self-contained partials
        + svg: SVG's that can be embedded directly into layouts and components
    - _layouts: Usable site layouts made of partials
    - _plugins: Jekyll plugins to include/run when building the site
    - _posts: Published posts
    - _sass: Main styles source
        + components: Styles corresponding to /project/_includes/components items
        + fonts: Custom font declarations
        + partials: Styles corresponding to /project/_includes partials
        + vendor: 3rd party dependencies to be included within the built stylesheet
    - css: Includes main stylesheet
    - fonts: Custom font files
    - img: Published/included image files
        + icons: Site icons (favicons, twitter/og/ms icons)
        + seasonal: Images relating to seasonal settings/components
        + videos: HTML5 Videos and their fallbacks
    - js: Site scripts
        + lib: Vendor libraries/polyfills included in the project

Feature Images

Each post with a featured image requires two images:

  • Main feature image: 1920x575
  • Icon: 200x200

Featured icons can be specified within the YAML front matter block at the top of the post.

feature: post-feature.png # Relative to /project/img
featureico: post-feature-icon.png # Relative to /project/img
featurealt: The alt message for the featured image.

HTML5 Videos

Videos and a single fall-back image should go within the project/img/videos directory, with the following specs:

  • Size: 750px wide (for full-screen captures @ 1920x1080 or 2880x1800, 750px x 450px)
  • Formats: .mp4, .webm, .ogv
  • Fallback: A single image file with the same dimensions and same file name.

Hat Tips

  • Benoît Boucart: Wrote an awesome article on using Jekyll with Gulp, which opened me up to the child_process.spawn method.
  • Icons from the Noun Project:
    • Category icon on post pages: Shai Rilov
    • Tags icon on post pages: factor[e] design initiative


  • More blog posts, of course! :)
  • Sticky chapter guide
  • Add "pinned post" functionality (mostly for cars category, for my post engine resource guide)
  • Add tag cloud of sorts to expandable sidebar
  • Add social share function