We are looking for developers that are proficient with HTML5, javascript/jQuery, and the ability to make a paint application
Here's what you need to do for the Paint Test:

1. Fork this repository (if you donÕt know how to do that, google is your friend)
2. Create a button in the html called "Circle" and use javascript/jquery to make the button work properly
	- A user should be able to drag the cursor to size the circle
	- The outline color should be the current color selected
3. Create a button in the html called "Fill" and use javascript/jquery to make the button work properly	
	- When this button is selected the user should be able to fill any object with the current color selected
4. On the page load, have three circles created automatically filled with three different colors of your choosing
5. Add your resume to the resume directory
6. Commit and Push your code to your new repository
7. Send a pull request, we will review your code and get back to you