Run the program

python3 -i 


Format the code:

python3 -m black .

Install pytest

pip3 install -U pytest

Run the tests:

python3 -m pytest
python3 -i 

Let's consider an auction website in which people can put items up for sale, and others can bid to buy them. At the end of each auction if there are bids meeting or in excess of the reserve price the highest bidder wins the item, however they pay the price of the second highest valid bid.

A bid is considered valid if it:

  • Arrives after the auction start time and before or on the closing time.
  • Is larger than any previous valid bids submitted by the user.

At the end of the auction the winner will pay the price of the second highest bidder, if there is only a single valid bid they will pay the reserve price of the auction. If two bids are received for the same amount then the earliest bid wins the item.

The resulting output for each item (upon the auction closing) the winning bid, the final price to be paid, and the user who has won the item as well as some basic stats about the auction. You will be provided a basic sample input file to help you test your program.


You will receive a pipe-delimited input file representing the started auctions, and bids. The first entry on each line of this file will be a timestamp, the file will be strictly in-order of timestamp. There are three types of rows found in this file:

  1. Users listing items for sale.

This appears in the format:


timestamp will be an integer representing a unix epoch time and is the auction start time, user_id is an integer user id action will be the string "SELL" item is a unique string code for that item. reserve_price is a decimal representing the item reserve price in the site's local currency. close_time will be an integer representing a unix epoch time

  1. Bids on items

This will appear in the format:


timestamp will be an integer representing a unix epoch time and is the time of the bid, user_id is an integer user id action will be the string "BID" item is a unique string code for that item. bid_amount is a decimal representing a bid in the auction site's local currency.

  1. Heartbeat messages

These messages may appear periodically in the input to ensure that auctions can be closed in the absence of bids, they take the format:


timestamp will be an integer representing a unix epoch time.

Expected Output:

The program should produce the following expected output, with each line representing the outcome of a completed auction. This should be written to stdout or a file and be pipe delimited with the following format:


close_time should be a unix epoch of the time the auction finished item is the unique string item code. user_id is the integer id of the winning user, or blank if the item did not sell. status should contain either "SOLD" or "UNSOLD" depending on the auction outcome. price_paid should be the price paid by the auction winner (0.00 if the item is UNSOLD), as a number to two decimal places total_bid_count should be the number of valid bids received for the item. 'highest_bid' the highest bid received for the item as a number to two decimal places lowest_bid the lowest bid placed on the item as a number to two decimal places



10|1|SELL|toaster_1|10.00|20 12|8|BID|toaster_1|7.50 13|5|BID|toaster_1|12.50 15|8|SELL|tv_1|250.00|20 16 17|8|BID|toaster_1|20.00 18|1|BID|tv_1|150.00 19|3|BID|tv_1|200.00 20 21|3|BID|tv_1|300.00


20|toaster_1|8|SOLD|12.50|3|20.00|7.50 20|tv_1||UNSOLD|0.00|2|200.00|150.00