
Auto Scaling Redis work queue

Primary LanguagePython

Auto Scaling RedisWQ

This repository includes an example for you to use as a reference on how to use KEDA to scale a work queue based on Redis Lists.

Workers use Docker-in-Docker (DinD) to run any kind of workload, such as Docker builds, CI/CD pipelines, etc.

For more information on the latter, please check the links below:


You need to have a Redis server running and accessible from your cluster.

Furthermore, you also need to have KEDA installed in Kubernetes.

Running the pool

The manifest file worker-pool.yaml can be applied with kubectl apply:

Make sure to replace the <redis-host> and <redis-port> placeholders with the actual values for your Redis server.

$ kubectl create namespace rediswq
$ kubectl apply -n rediswq -f manifests/

Then add some jobs to the queue and watch the workers pool scale up and down:

$ export REDIS_HOST=<redis-host>
$ export REDIS_PORT=<redis-port>
$ python producer.py 100


After you are done, you can remove the namespace and all resources:

$ kubectl delete -n rediswq -f manifests/ 
$ kubectl delete namespace rediswq