Another OpenGL FreeType library
I needed to display text in OpenGL. Other libraries were simply too massive for my needs/there were no clear examples. I discovered FreeType and the following NeHe tutorial:
The repository here is basically a simple amalgamation of those ideas. The end result is that you can use arbitrary .ttf fonts, e.g. using Arial.ttf which on my mac is located under /Library/fonts/:
Assuming a cmake build system, clone this repository into your source tree and add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt file:
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
file(GLOB_RECURSE glfreetype glfreetype/src/*.cpp glfreetype/include/glfreetype/*.hpp)
add_library(glfreetype_lib ${glfreetype})
target_compile_options(glfreetype_lib PUBLIC ${COMP_FLAGS})
Note, you will also need to link with glfreetype_lib during the linking stage of whatever project you're building. This can be done by editing the following line in your CMakeLists.txt file:
target_link_libraries(executableName some_lib some_other_lib etc_lib glfreetype_lib ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} glfw ${FREETYPE_LIBRARIES})
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..